Category: Governance

News and reports from the Board of Trustees, Board Committees and Task Forces.

Membership Development Workshop – Let’s get together

Coming up for all members of the Membership Development team at UCV

Saturday, March 28 – open to active membership committee teams including:

  • New to Vancouver Unitarians workshop coordinators
  • Greeters and Welcome Table volunteers
  • Connect and Engage team including Sermon Discussion table facilitators
  • Membership records, retention, renewal and recruitment team members
  • Membership committee chair and board liaison
  • Communications team liaison
  • Sunday Coffee servers


1:30 – 2 pm

  • -set up – coffee/tea and snacks available

2 – 5 pm workshop:


  • Was there a “turning point” when you decided to join UCV? How long was that from when you first started attending?

How do the teams all work together

  • What are your challenges and pleasures?
  • What staff/caretaker roles are helpful for your team?
  • Suggestions for making things easier for members and volunteers – what would you ask of others? what do you see that could be smoothed out?

Volunteer recruitment and support

  • How do you typically recruit more volunteers? Does your team need additional volunteers?
  • Some brainstorming around how to recruit
  • What works? what doesn’t?

Volunteer Status

There are approximately 20 on each of these three teams: New to VU/welcome table; greeters; coffee servers. There are about 6 on the relatively newer Connect & Engage team (who set up the sermon discussion table and support neighbourhood groups etc.) Some people do double duty. The “member retention” team has never been fully staffed nor the “member records” team. To some degree the role of “member recruitment” is handled by our communications systems.

The member experience

Mapping the visitor to member and beyond journey

– what was your journey from discovery to involvement?

What do you see with first timers?

  • What do they already know? What do they need? Do you notice clues that they might stick around?
  • Given how busy Sunday morning is, how can we best help people get connected?

5:30 – 6:30 pm – potluck dinner

  • kitchen and fireside room – You’re encouraged to sit with folks from a different team

7 – 8:30 pm

Membership Development

  • considering UUA/CUC ideas for membership growth.

Ministerial (and other) Transitions

Information about ministerial transition – what’s in our future for next 2 to 3 years?

  • what questions are you getting? on ministerial transition, possible redevelopment and name change?
  • What questions/concerns do you expect?
  • brainstorm responses

Registration form:


Resources you may find of interest


What’s in a Name? Next forum January 19

The What Do We Call Ourselves task force (WDWCO) was created by the Board in 2018 to examine whether we should change our name from the Unitarian Church of Vancouver to a name without “church.” To carry out its mission, WDWCO would like to provide ways for all members and friends (adherents) of UCV to hear, understand, and contribute to the discussions around what name best suits our congregation. Although as UCV members, we might differ on the name question, we believe we share similar values and goals for our beloved community. We are confident that we can come to shared understanding and a path forward.

We offer the following viewpoints (heard during informal discussions among some UCV members) as a starting point for discussion. If your viewpoint isn’t represented here, we’d like to know what it is. We want input and will be seeking it at the Forum on January 19th.

I want to retain our current name because:
Our name Unitarian Church of Vancouverhonours our 500-year history as a Church. For me, the UnitarianChurchof today has an expanded meaning that is inclusive of all ethical beliefs. It demonstrates how a Church can be a progressive religious community.

The name “Church” speaks to our spiritual roots and provides a sense of continuity and comfort. Some of us may have left the church of our upbringing, but we have not severed our connection with spirituality.

The name Unitarian Churchhas gravitas and promotes respect. Having originated as a branch of Christianity, we are identified as a religious community and we belong at the table of multi-faith gatherings. As well, our identity as a Church invites media inquiries seeking “religious perspectives” on pressing moral issues.

The Unitarian Church has led and continues to lead progressive religious change. Such progress can be inspiring to other religious communities.

I want to change our name because:
I am uncomfortable with the word Church, finding it restrictive as a name for our spiritual home and community. A church is by definition a Christianentity, which is not a spiritual fit with those members and friends who do not identify as Christian. “Church” discourages many potential attendees who have negative associations with Christian denominations, along with those whose heritage is in non-Christian cultures, those who identify as Pagans or secular Humanists, and those who resist any labelling of their views. And a more welcoming name could appeal to those who describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” , individuals who may be seeking an inclusive spiritual community free of dogma.

I believe that with an alternative name we will remain an influential member of multifaith communities. For example, one of the largest Unitarian communities in Canada, The First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, (no “Church” in their name), is well-respected in the National Capital Region, and has good relations with near and far-flung Christian and non-Christian faith communities alike.

34 of the 47 Unitarian congregations in Canada call themselves something other than a Church.

I am undecided because:
I haven’t thought much about this and I don’t have enough information. I look forward to participating in our community’s thoughtful consideration and discussion of all the input. I want to understand the beliefs and opinions of others. I hope I’ll then be better able to make a decision.

I will support whatever decision is made:
I trust our community will thoughtfully consider all input and make the best decision for the greater good.

I am reluctant to get involved…
To the reluctant, we encourage you to consider that in our community, all views count. We invite your careful listening and input as the discussions proceed. We want an environment where you feel comfortable to contribute your voice.

We strive to make ourdecision process inclusive, caring, informed, and democratic. What we choose to call ourselves is our identity.It matters.

Please share your views, come to the Forum on January 19th. Questions in the meantime?
Email us at:


Voting by Proxy

We usually hold two general meetings each year.

Here’s how to vote if you can’t attend for whatever reason.

Those who have been members for over 90 days are entitled to vote. To vote a proxy, the person must also have been a member for more than 90 days.

Not sure what a proxy vote is? Read this wikipedia article.

What if I can’t be at a meeting?

You can submit a proxy form by email or sign and send with the member who will vote on your behalf. You can put two names on the form. Each member can only hold one proxy vote. So in the event the first person on your list already is voting on behalf of someone else or is not able to attend, you will still be represented.

Just cut and paste this into an email addressed to with copy to Lynn Armstrong, board secretary. Please send from the email address that we have on file for you.

Unitarian Church of Vancouver – Proxy

The undersigned hereby appoints
[Name] ___________of  [City] _________

or failing them

[Name] __________________of  [City] ___________

as proxyholder for the undersigned to attend and vote for and on behalf of the undersigned at the General Meeting of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver to be held on the 11th day of June, 2023 and at any adjournment of that meeting.

Signed/submitted by email this ____ day of ___________, 2023.

Member’s Full name:

UCV Bylaw 36:

Each member shall have one vote and votes shall be cast either in person or by written proxy. No person present may cast more than one proxy vote and no person shall be entitled to vote as a proxy unless such person is qualified by membership to vote in his or her own right at the meeting at which he or she acts as proxy.

What Do We Call Ourselves? Forum

Missed the “What Do We Call Ourselves?” Oct. 20th Forum?

Read All About it.

If you missed the October 20th Forum on “What Do We Call Ourselves?” (WDWCO?) you can find the agenda and presentations below. Twenty-three people attended. Pasted below are the WDWCO? (draft) Terms of Reference.

1.WELCOME (Sheila Resels)

“Welcome to the “What do we call ourselves?” Task Force Forum.

So who are we?  My name is Sheila Resels.  I am one of co-chairs of the Task Force, along with my co-chair Eva Allan.  Members include Leonie Armstrong, (past chairperson), Jeannie Corsi, John Smith, Fouad Hafiz and advisors Mary Bennett, Steven Epperson, Keith Wilkinson and Tamiko Suzuki.

What is this Task Force?

The Task Force was approved by the Board 2 years. ago.  It was originally called the “Name Change Task Force”.  (more…)

Candidates for the Board of Trustees

Candidates for the Board of Trustees to be elected: November 24th, 2019

from Marg Fletcher, Chair Nominating Committee

Thank you to all who participated in the process and particularly to those who agreed to stand for the new Board.

Nominating Committee Slate for UCV Board of Trustees 2019/20

President:  Diane Brown     

Diane is the artistic director of Ruby Slippers Theatre. She and her son Dylan are long-time members of UCV.  Diane is also a Past President of the church, an active member of the UCV Environment Committee and a fourth Sunday greeter. Her return to the board is rooted in the desire to help steer UCV through some transitional challenges ahead, assuring that the important work of the Church – environment, social justice, refugee, children and youth programs, to name only a few – are properly and promptly supported, and our sustainability as an organization secured.

Vice President:  Gordon Gram

Gordon found his “church home” at UCV when attending UBC in the 1960s, thanks to his wife Charlene and mother-in-law Marjorie Smith, who was a member for over 75 years. “A few years ago we actually had four generations of family attending church.”  Now retired, Gordon has had a career with lots of variety that includes overseas work in book publishing with Prentice Hall International, government experience with the BC Agricultural Land Commission, and a number of roles in commercial real estate and land and project development. Volunteer work has included serving on several boards: MSA Community Services Abbotsford, Seniors Housing Society New Westminster, Katherine Sanford Housing Society Vancouver and Douglas Park Community Association Vancouver.

“In the fall of 2001 we moved to within walking distance of the church, and it was perfect timing to hear Steven’s first sermon in the spring of 2001 and become a fan.”

Gordon has served on Buildings and Grounds and has been on the three committees that have examined the merits of redevelopment. In 2018 he led the Nominations Committee.  

“I see serving on the board as an opportunity to make a contribution, to engage in challenging work, and to have some fun.”      

Secretary:  Mairy Beam 

After one year of serving as secretary to the UCV board, Mairy is past the worst of the learning curve and eager to continue perfecting the role. Well, maybe not perfecting, but moving in that direction. Mairy is active in the RE program and the Earth Spirituality events. This will be a year where important decisions are made on redevelopment, an interim minister, etc.  It will be exciting to be in the midst of it all.

Treasurer: John Taylor



Jennifer Fell

Jennifer first came to UCV in 2008, along with her partner Lorimer and their three kids. At various times, all three kids attended the Religious Education program. Jennifer’s youngest daughter, Juliet, is now part of the youth group. Jennifer continues to find the UCV community to be an important part of her life.

Carolyn Grant

Carolyn has been a member of UCV since 2006.  She has served on a number of committees including the board for two years around 2010.  Mostly you can find her at the front door on the third Sunday handing out orders of service — something she had been asked to do as a “one-off” and 13 years later is still there. She brings to the board a keen desire to make sure the congregation remains financially sustainable and that our governing policies continue to evolve, so that we can thrive in the years to come.

Michael O’Neil

Michael O’Neil and his wife Catherine Stewart have been members of UCV for about 27 years. They joined when their two children were young and spent the early years teaching Sunday school and were involved in a number of committees and activities. Over the past 12-15 years Michael and Catherine have re-engaged in various aspects of UCV life on a regular basis. 

Michael considered being a member of the board for some time, but a busy hospital-based medical practice was a significant barrier. He has been involved over the past few years with the redevelopment committee and participated in various other events at UCV. Now working part-time affords an opportunity to be a more active member of the board and committees. 

Michael feels that this is a very important time in UCV’s history: there are a number of significant discussions and decisions that have to be made in the next few months and years. The transition to a new minister is always a critical time for a congregation and the question of re-development has many aspects to be considered. He wishes to be part of this dialogue and hopefully be able to give some thoughtful input and also some historical perspective. 

Michael feels that the long-term future and growth of the UCV community is of paramount importance for maintaining just and rational voices in our broader society. 

Past President: Leonie Armstrong


Continuing in their second year of a two-year term as members-at-large are


Letter from Nominating Committee Chair

Dear Members

Here is the Nominations Committee Slate to be voted on at the AGM on Sunday, November 24, 2019.

The process is explained here including how members can nominate other people to stand for any position on the board in case you wish to do so.

I am the chair of the current committee, Laureen Stokes is a member and we sought input from a large group of individuals representing many committees, ages and other constituents of our congregation who either volunteered to serve on the Board or provided names of members they thought would be good to contact.  We also were able to consult with three past presidents of the Board, Keith Wilkinson, Patti Turner and Diane Brown. Several requests for input were put in orders of service over the past month or two. Thank you to all who participated and particularly to those who agreed to stand for the new Board!

According to our bylaws:

The Nominations Committee (NC) shall prepare a report nominating candidates for the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and for member-at-large positions that are vacant or becoming vacant (in bylaw 48).
The NC shall deliver the slate of recommended nominations (the “Nominating Committee Slate”) at least 35 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. (in bylaw 50)
Members may make additional nominations for officers or members-at-large by preparing a petition for each nomination (a “Nomination Petition”) which shall:
a) be signed by not fewer than 10 voting members in good standing
b) include the written consent of the nominee
c) be filed with the chair of the NC at least 7 days prior to the AGM (bylaws 51 and 52)

With respect and appreciation,
Margaret Fletcher, Nominations Committee Chair

Outreach Opportunity Fund Nominations

Every year, the OOF Committee selects three recipients to be given 25% of the funds from the Sunday collection. The Committee would welcome nominations from individuals or a group in the congregation for the next recipient of OOF funding. Nominated organizations must comply with the selection criteria: priority is given to local organizations undertaking social justice, refugee support and settlement and environment sustainability, with a focus on vulnerable or marginalized communities. For more information go the UCV website, or check the notice board in Hewett Hall for nomination forms.

Please click below to fill in form.

OOF Nomination form

You can submit the form to Melody Mason or leave it in the OOF mail box in the UCV office.

Contact Melody Mason with any queries.

Do you have an idea for a new group? Let’s make it happen!

We know it’s hard to get to know people on Sunday mornings. There are so many of us. And as is often said: There’s a lot that goes on around here.

UCV has lots of small groups where people get to know each other more easily. Some once formed are then closed. Others are drop-in. Several people are initiating new groups starting in September.

And perhaps YOU too have an idea of a group to get like-minded people together?

Sheila R. and Mary Bennett as the Connect and Engage team would like to support and encourage you if you do.

We can help you find the right committee to sponsor your group; learn how to book space and advertise.

We may do a forum in late August or early September if enough people want to learn all the how-to’s (and perhaps some what-not-to-dos) of running groups at UCV.

And of course, there may already be a small group that you’d be interested in – so check here.

Here are some good ideas for starting new groups:

Learn more about serving on our UCV board

Nominating Committee update:

The nominating committee could use your help as we enter our new program year. We need to find at least six, possibly seven, people for our board before the November AGM.

We hope you have had a refreshing summer and are filled with enthusiasm, possibly with some sadness, but also with lots of optimistic curiosity and commitment as we enter this year of change(s) and growth for all of us.

Please seriously consider taking on a role in one of the three executive positions available or as a member at large. We will be phoning as many of you as we can until we find the important volunteers for the management of our self-governed community. We would rather not potentially miss people who know in their heart it is their time to take a turn on the board or have questions about the different roles or amount and kind of commitment necessary, so please don’t wait for a call but reach out directly to the committee via my contact information below!

It is a rich experience being a part of the board, understanding what it takes to keep this congregation functioning and thriving. It may seem overwhelming to take on that role, and we understand many of you are already doing important work with our many vital committees, but I hope you will consider it and also talk with your friends who you feel would be an important addition to the board. Orientation and mutual support available!
Thanks for giving this plea serious consideration.

Marg Fletcher, 778-772-1120,

Can we penetrate the darkness?

The featured image for this posting is the detail of a drawing titled “Many suns cannot penetrate the darkness” created in 1989 by the late long time Vancouver Unitarian member Daphne Naegele. Now, 30 years after Daphne created this image and posed this question, we are still faced with it — can Unitarian Universalism help penetrate the darkness? Part of the answer to this question resides in our capacity to sustain ourselves financially. To examine our options, the UCV board has created a task force to examine the many facets of this question over the summer and fall. Get in touch with Sheila Resels or Keith WIlkinson if you’d like to be part of this discussion.

The UCV Board established a Financial Sustainability Task Force (FSTF) in July 2019. The purpose of the Task Force is to review and strengthen the financial sustainability of the Vancouver Unitarian congregation in the face of reduced levels of pledging, possibly static membership growth, and the general decline of religious community across North America over recent decades.

The Task Force includes the following working groups and teams:

  1. Membership Growth Team
  2. Member Generosity Team (which includes the Canvass Committee)
  3. Legacy Team
  4. Space Use Team
  5. Transition Team
  6. Site Development Team
  7. Investments Committee
  8. Fundraising Events Team
  9. Risk Review Team
  10. Marketing/Fundraiser Initiative Team
  11. UCV Internal Funds Review Initiative
  12. UCV (ad hoc) Budget Committee
  13. Other working groups/teams approved by the Board.

These groups and teams are relatively self-directed and are guided by the recent working document UCV Financial Sustainability Matrix. The working groups and teams are expected to prepare reports in time for the board and the congregation to discuss them well in advance of the 2019 AGM scheduled for late fall 2019 when a vote of the membership regarding possible site redevelopment is anticipated.

For further information, or to provide support to some of these working groups, please contact one of the co-chairs of the Financial Sustainability Task Force (FSTF):

Highlights of the Extraordinary General Meeting (aka budget meeting) June 23, 2019

We had a great turn out for the June 23rd budget meeting – 88 members held voting cards, and interested UCV friends filled Hewett Centre Hall.

Business items

Lay Chaplains

Our three lay chaplains were renewed. Laureen Stokes, Cheryl Amundsen and Louise Bunn are trained to conduct weddings, celebrations of life, and other rituals of life transitions on behalf of UCV.

Love Soup

Our dedicated team of volunteers who warm our hearts and stomachs with monthly “Love Soup” offerings from September – June were acknowledged for their combined contribution of $3,756. Of course, a special thanks to Amy Megumi Anderson, the bundle of energy that keeps Love Soup organized.


The budget of $607,436 was approved (with one abstention). At present, we have identified $537,390 in revenue, so additional fund raising will be required to meet the expenses to run all of the wonderful programs at UCV.

Possible Site Development

Michael Clague, Gordon Gram, and Marg Fletcher reported on the progress of Phase 2 of the redevelopment plans. The full report is expected in time for the AGM which will be held in November 2019, at which time members will vote whether or not to proceed to a Phase 3 business plan. Phase 2 is to provide more accurate financial forecasts and to assess zoning requirements, and explore possibilities of grants which might be available Federally, Provincially, or through the City. In order to forecast costs and feasibility, more detailed plans were required and were on view for the meeting.

Related documents:

Circle of Concern

Rob Dainow reported on conversations held at meetings that have come to be called the Circle of Concern. The top identified concerns were around issues such as timing (during ministerial transition), existential threats (includes keeping the community together during construction) and vision. Click here for details.

A series of congregational meetings are planned starting in September that will alternate between progress reports on Phase 2 and the Circle of Concern group, so UCV members and friends will have ample opportunity to receive information and have their voices heard leading up to the November AGM.

Refugee Sponsorship

Huguette Sansonnet Hayden reported on our plans for sponsoring new refugee families, and shared some success stories of our settled sponsored families.

Ministerial Transition

Léonie Armstrong reported on updates to the plans for the period of ministerial transition. The Board will apply for a two-year interim minister, and during that time, a search committee will be formed to find our next settled minister.