Unanimous! Shawn Gauthier is our new Settled Minister

By the unanimous decision of those in the Sanctuary and online, UCV members voted on April 30th to call Rev. Shawn Gauthier as our next Settled Minister. Sunday was a joyful culmination of the work of so many in the ministerial transition and search process. We look forward to Rev. Shawn starting at UCV this August!

The vote took place at a special meeting held right after Sunday service. Once the results were announced, Rev. Shawn returned to the pulpit to accept the call, thank the Search committee, the Board, Rev. Lara, and all those who made this ministerial transition happen. He then signed his contract and shared brief remarks about his hopes for the congregation and our work together in the coming years, concluding with the words of Mark Belletini:

“Go in peace. Live simply at home in yourself. Be just in your word and just in your deed. Remember the depth of your own compassion. Forget not your power, in the days of your powerlessness. Practice forbearance in all that you do. Speak the truth, or speak not. Take care your body, for it is a good gift. Crave peace for all peoples in the world, beginning with yourselves and go that you go with the dream of that peace set firm in your heart.”


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