Tag: AGM

Call for CUC Delegates

Call for CUC Delegates

The Canadian Unitarian Council Annual General Meeting will be held in person (in Ottawa) and electronically Friday, May 19 from 10:00 – 1:30 pm Pacific. UCV board will submit names of our 6 delegates by May 1, 2023.

In 2022, the UCV board adopted the CUC-recommended process of appointing delegates to serve a two-year term, during which they would represent us at two consecutive AGMs and between meetings will keep informed about CUC matters and communicate with the congregation by written posts and discussion forums. 

The board hosted a Board Forum on Sunday, February 27, 2022 to share the background on this decision and respond to questions.  Several members who have served as delegates at CUC AGMs in the past shared their experience. You can watch the forum here.

Orientation and support for CUC Delegates

The Denominational Affairs committee is planning orientation and support for delegates.

If you have been a delegate in the past, it would be appreciated if you would complete this form, to help us plan appropriate support.

Criteria for Individual Delegates

  1. Member for a minimum of six months (same as serving on board from bylaws)
  2. Recent active involvement in at least one team, committee or task force, preferably in a leadership role
  3. Demonstrated interest and knowledge of CUC through attending gatherings, workshops or roundtables/webinars
  4. Good written and verbal communication skills, preferably comfort with public speaking/facilitation
  5. Comfort and access to computer, webcam, online communication programs (zoom, email, etc.)

Criteria for the team of delegates

  1. A range of newer members with more experienced members
  2. Provide opportunities for first-time delegates with support from each other and previous delegates
  3. Diversity of age, gender, heritage, length of time as UCV member and areas of involvement at UCV 
  4. At least two who are experienced at setting up online or in-person forums to discuss issues with the congregation
  5. At least two who are willing to write web and e-news articles about CUC issues at least three times per year.

Note: depending on the issues coming to a particular AGM, the board may adjust this in any one year

Please submit your expression of interest by Wednesday, March 15, 2023 so selection can be made at the April board meeting. 

Interested? Here is a link to a form to express interest in representing UCV at the upcoming May meeting. You can choose a one or two-year term or offer to be a back-up in case needed. https://forms.gle/Gh5PsKzNFjtLfDCC9

Selected delegates will be asked to submit a short bio (200-250 words) and a photo to share with the congregation. 

Here is a link to the CUC recommendations which UCV board endorsed at our January, 2022, meeting: https://cuc.ca/about-cuc/annual-general-meeting/delegate-information/

If you have further questions, please contact

Members of the Denominational Affairs Committee

It’s still not too late! UU Opportunities for Deeper Involvement

This is an April update of information originally posted in February 2021.

(Image credit:  UUA United Nations Office – UUA UNO)

  1. Defending Democracy in an Autocratic World
  • A Blog posting from Jan 2021 by Bruce Knotts, Director of the UUA United Nations Office
  • Bruce will be one of the leaders of the UCV Sunday Service on 2 May 2021.
  1. UK Annual General Assembly was on 24 Apr 2021.  Some sessions may be online. 
  1. CUC’s National Conference
    Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16
    Register now to be part of our national community and connections! The Confluence Lecture, Lighter Side musc & comedy night, Memorial Wall, Bridging Ceremony, workshops and networking sessions, Sunday service, and MUSIC!
  2. CUC AGM – Sat morning, 8 May 2021  >>> Details of Meeting

UCV’s seven voting delegates for the 2021 CUC AGM are:

Lynn Armstrong, Diane Brown, Galen Elfert, Hans Elfert, Olivia Hall, Geoff Rempel, Keith Wilkinson.   (KIersten Moore is on the CUC Board and will be participating but not as a UCV delegate. Lynn Armstrong is a member of the CUC Nominating Committee.)

The meeting will be held via Zoom, 10 am – 1:30 pm, Pacific Time, Saturday 8 May 2021.  Any UCV member may attend to observe, but not vote.

AGENDA includes:

  • Proposed adjustments to the method of calculating the Annual Program Contribution based on membership numbers and donations
  • Setting CUC’s 2021-22 Goals, namely:
    1. Strengthen and nurture community resilience so our Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities are connected to each other, and thrive spiritually, theologically, organizationally, economically, and socially in a diverse, multi-generational context;
    2. Enhance religious exploration and spiritual growth grounded in the vision, principles, sources, and aspirations of the Canadian Unitarian Universalist (UU) movement;
    3. Advance socially responsible actions to live out our vision of interdependence, love, and justice to bring benefit to Canadian and global communities;
    4. Strengthen local, regional, national, and global networks of collaborative and interdependent UU conSetting CUC’s 2021-22 Proposed Strategic Initiatives, namely:

Within the above goals, the following strategic priorities are recommended for 2021-2022

    1. Ensure sound financial management, including sustainable revenue generation, to continue the work of building vital Unitarian communities;
    2. Strengthen the national fabric of our UU community by:
      • Nurturing and enhancing innovation and sustainability;
      • Enhancing and optimizing connections and relationships among UU communities in intentionally inclusive ways; and,
      • Ensuring that the CUC and its congregations and communities are well positioned to welcome and embrace those who seek Unitarian Universalism.
    3. Advance these social justice initiatives:- Truth, Healing and Reconciliation
      – Dismantling racism
      – Climate justice
      – Refugee support
    4. Develop, curate and focus on Canadian resources to advance religious exploration and spiritual growth in a multigenerational context.

You’ll also have the opportunity to see and hear oral and video reports from the CUC about what has been happening across Canada in UU circles over the past year.

Delegates will be expected to attend an online orientation session on how to vote using zoom.



(Photo Credit: Keith Wilkinson, Mustangs along the Fraser River near Lytton from a UCV field trip with Cole Harris.)

A Few Books on climate, indigenous, racial, and social justice

James Daschuk, 2019 (2rd Edition), Clearing the plains: Disease, politics of starvation, and the loss of aboriginal life.

Melinda Gates, 2020, The moment of lift.

Kazuo Ishiguro, 2021. Klara and the sun.

Elizabeth Kolbert, 2021, Under a white sky: The nature of the future.

Wendy Wickwire, 2019, At the bridge: James Teit and an anthropology of belonging.

Isabel Wilkerson, 2010, The warmth of other suns: The epic story of America’s great migration.

Shoshanna Zuboff, 2019. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.

CUC May 2020 National Conference & AGM Highlights

Featured image – Susanne Maziarz, Music Director at Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Toronto; co-leader with Rev Wayne Walder of a cross-Canada ceremony of remembrance, We are together, at the national gathering on 17 May 2020.

*12 more photos at the end of this post!

CUC eNews Coverage here.

CUC May 2020 National Conference Highlights

  • Video of the CUC Cross Canada Sunday Service One Storm, Many Ships
    (edited video, 90 minutes). The wonderful story for children of all ages read by Kiersten Moore has been deleted from the saved video pending copyright approvals from Disney.
  • CUC 2019 Annual Report (pdf document, 56 pages)
    The annual report is full of information about CUC’s work and how you might participate. It’s very worthwhile reading!
  • Attendance at 4 meetings via Zoom & YouTube: 150, 170, 200, 1,000
    (Numbers are approximate because more than one person may have been on one connection and some people had more than one connection!) Details of events follow.
  • If you’re interested in participating in these events in the future, contact the UCV UU Connections Committee – currently Keith Wilkinson, Lynn Armstrong, Kiersten Moore, & Emilie Adin. Text or phone Keith at 604-838-5643 or Lynn at 778-835-2546 or watch for a newly updated UCV Directory of Small Groups, Committees, and Teams, anticipated soon!

Plenary sessionThurs 14 May 2020, 150 participants; informal discussion of the resolutions being presented at the Sat AGM.

Gathering CeremonyFri, 15 May 2020, 170 participants, virtual banner parade with photos sent from many congregations across Canada, with music added, assembled by Amber Bellemare in Montreal.

Cross Canada Service – Sun, 17 May 2020, 1,000 participants, four ministers, many musicians and singers
Video available on CUC’s YouTube channel.

Annual General MeetingSat, 16 May 2020, 200 participants (97 delegates, 100 observers, 45 congregations)
See the CUC Annual Report for details.

  • Reviewed CUC’s expected investment performance with the investments manager;
    (investments at the end of Dec 2019 were valued at $6.1 million);
  • Approved an operating budget of $812,000 (compare this to UCV at $600,000);
  • Approved changes in procedures for electing board members;
  • Elected new board members;
  • Approved 2020-21 goals and strategic priorities;
  • Responded to questions about the International Council of Unitarians and Univeralists (ICUU) conference still scheduled for Montreal in October 2020;
  • Received reports regarding a few of the many initiatives outlined in the Annual Report:
    • Youth and Young Adults (Annual Report, pp 23-26)
      plus CazUUm – CUC youth zoom conference (34 participants)
    • Truth Healing and Reconciliation Initiative (Annual Report, pp 29-31)
    • Social Justice Action (Annual Report, pp 26-28)
    • Dismantling Racism (Annual Report, p 35)
    • Polyamory Task Force (Annual Report, pp 36-55 – the full 19-page report from the task force on this complex subject, including recommendations for the CUC.)
  • Celebration of special awards:
    • Sharing our Faith Awards – Awards to support emerging programs in several congregations (Durham, Mississauga, Edmonton)
    • Northern Lights Award – support for a major initiative, this year for Northwest Toronto Co-housing Project (involving Unitarian fellowship of Northwest Toronto)
    • Shining Lights Award – for new innovative programs (see CUC website for details)
    • Theological Education Fund Award – Co-sponsored by CUC and UUMOC (UU Ministers of Canada) for support of ministerial students (grants made to two ministerial students ths year)
    • Knight Award – Awarded to Rev Frances Deverell for dedicated service on social justice issues including work with the Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice CUSJ
    • See the above links or email the CUC office for more details about any of the CUC award programs.


Some screen shots from the CUC Canada-wide Virtual Service, Sun 17 May 2020  

(Google the congregational web sites for more images and information!)

Sunday Service Leaders:

Rev Norm Horofker, Halifax Universalist Unitarians

Rev Karen Fraser Gitlitz, Saskatoon Unitarians

Rev Meghann Robern, Winnipeg Unitarian Universalists

Rev Wayne Walder, Neighbourhood Unitarian Fellowship, Toronto

Rev Samaya Oakley, South Fraser Unitarians, Surrey BC

Spoken Word

Taz Trefzger, Hamilton Unitarians & 2020 CazUUm Co-Dean

Carter Mahoney, Peterborough Unitarians, Young Adults Ensemble

Wonderful singers and musicians from across the country

Halifax, Peterborough, Toronto, Vancouver…

James Morris (guitar), Halifax, playing Making Waves, composed for the occasion.

Peterborough Unitarians – Spirit of Life (Mark, Julie, Katherine, Stephira, Ben, Linda)

Vancouver Unitarians Elliott and Edgar playing work by Cape Breton’s Allistair MacGillivray

James Hill teaching us the ukulele “peace chord”.

Vancouver Unitarians Choir Leads: Beth, Erin, Bryan, Gavin
leading Canadian Unitarians in Blue Boat Home.


Voting by Proxy

We usually hold two general meetings each year.

Here’s how to vote if you can’t attend for whatever reason.

Those who have been members for over 90 days are entitled to vote. To vote a proxy, the person must also have been a member for more than 90 days.

Not sure what a proxy vote is? Read this wikipedia article.

What if I can’t be at a meeting?

You can submit a proxy form by email or sign and send with the member who will vote on your behalf. You can put two names on the form. Each member can only hold one proxy vote. So in the event the first person on your list already is voting on behalf of someone else or is not able to attend, you will still be represented.

Just cut and paste this into an email addressed to ca@vancouverunitarians.ca with copy to Lynn Armstrong ucvsecretary@gmail.com, board secretary. Please send from the email address that we have on file for you.

Unitarian Church of Vancouver – Proxy

The undersigned hereby appoints
[Name] ___________of  [City] _________

or failing them

[Name] __________________of  [City] ___________

as proxyholder for the undersigned to attend and vote for and on behalf of the undersigned at the General Meeting of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver to be held on the 11th day of June, 2023 and at any adjournment of that meeting.

Signed/submitted by email this ____ day of ___________, 2023.

Member’s Full name:

UCV Bylaw 36:

Each member shall have one vote and votes shall be cast either in person or by written proxy. No person present may cast more than one proxy vote and no person shall be entitled to vote as a proxy unless such person is qualified by membership to vote in his or her own right at the meeting at which he or she acts as proxy.

Candidates for the Board of Trustees

Candidates for the Board of Trustees to be elected: November 24th, 2019

from Marg Fletcher, Chair Nominating Committee

Thank you to all who participated in the process and particularly to those who agreed to stand for the new Board.

Nominating Committee Slate for UCV Board of Trustees 2019/20

President:  Diane Brown     

Diane is the artistic director of Ruby Slippers Theatre. She and her son Dylan are long-time members of UCV.  Diane is also a Past President of the church, an active member of the UCV Environment Committee and a fourth Sunday greeter. Her return to the board is rooted in the desire to help steer UCV through some transitional challenges ahead, assuring that the important work of the Church – environment, social justice, refugee, children and youth programs, to name only a few – are properly and promptly supported, and our sustainability as an organization secured.

Vice President:  Gordon Gram

Gordon found his “church home” at UCV when attending UBC in the 1960s, thanks to his wife Charlene and mother-in-law Marjorie Smith, who was a member for over 75 years. “A few years ago we actually had four generations of family attending church.”  Now retired, Gordon has had a career with lots of variety that includes overseas work in book publishing with Prentice Hall International, government experience with the BC Agricultural Land Commission, and a number of roles in commercial real estate and land and project development. Volunteer work has included serving on several boards: MSA Community Services Abbotsford, Seniors Housing Society New Westminster, Katherine Sanford Housing Society Vancouver and Douglas Park Community Association Vancouver.

“In the fall of 2001 we moved to within walking distance of the church, and it was perfect timing to hear Steven’s first sermon in the spring of 2001 and become a fan.”

Gordon has served on Buildings and Grounds and has been on the three committees that have examined the merits of redevelopment. In 2018 he led the Nominations Committee.  

“I see serving on the board as an opportunity to make a contribution, to engage in challenging work, and to have some fun.”      

Secretary:  Mairy Beam 

After one year of serving as secretary to the UCV board, Mairy is past the worst of the learning curve and eager to continue perfecting the role. Well, maybe not perfecting, but moving in that direction. Mairy is active in the RE program and the Earth Spirituality events. This will be a year where important decisions are made on redevelopment, an interim minister, etc.  It will be exciting to be in the midst of it all.

Treasurer: John Taylor



Jennifer Fell

Jennifer first came to UCV in 2008, along with her partner Lorimer and their three kids. At various times, all three kids attended the Religious Education program. Jennifer’s youngest daughter, Juliet, is now part of the youth group. Jennifer continues to find the UCV community to be an important part of her life.

Carolyn Grant

Carolyn has been a member of UCV since 2006.  She has served on a number of committees including the board for two years around 2010.  Mostly you can find her at the front door on the third Sunday handing out orders of service — something she had been asked to do as a “one-off” and 13 years later is still there. She brings to the board a keen desire to make sure the congregation remains financially sustainable and that our governing policies continue to evolve, so that we can thrive in the years to come.

Michael O’Neil

Michael O’Neil and his wife Catherine Stewart have been members of UCV for about 27 years. They joined when their two children were young and spent the early years teaching Sunday school and were involved in a number of committees and activities. Over the past 12-15 years Michael and Catherine have re-engaged in various aspects of UCV life on a regular basis. 

Michael considered being a member of the board for some time, but a busy hospital-based medical practice was a significant barrier. He has been involved over the past few years with the redevelopment committee and participated in various other events at UCV. Now working part-time affords an opportunity to be a more active member of the board and committees. 

Michael feels that this is a very important time in UCV’s history: there are a number of significant discussions and decisions that have to be made in the next few months and years. The transition to a new minister is always a critical time for a congregation and the question of re-development has many aspects to be considered. He wishes to be part of this dialogue and hopefully be able to give some thoughtful input and also some historical perspective. 

Michael feels that the long-term future and growth of the UCV community is of paramount importance for maintaining just and rational voices in our broader society. 

Past President: Leonie Armstrong


Continuing in their second year of a two-year term as members-at-large are


Letter from Nominating Committee Chair

Dear Members

Here is the Nominations Committee Slate to be voted on at the AGM on Sunday, November 24, 2019.

The process is explained here including how members can nominate other people to stand for any position on the board in case you wish to do so.

I am the chair of the current committee, Laureen Stokes is a member and we sought input from a large group of individuals representing many committees, ages and other constituents of our congregation who either volunteered to serve on the Board or provided names of members they thought would be good to contact.  We also were able to consult with three past presidents of the Board, Keith Wilkinson, Patti Turner and Diane Brown. Several requests for input were put in orders of service over the past month or two. Thank you to all who participated and particularly to those who agreed to stand for the new Board!

According to our bylaws:

The Nominations Committee (NC) shall prepare a report nominating candidates for the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and for member-at-large positions that are vacant or becoming vacant (in bylaw 48).
The NC shall deliver the slate of recommended nominations (the “Nominating Committee Slate”) at least 35 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. (in bylaw 50)
Members may make additional nominations for officers or members-at-large by preparing a petition for each nomination (a “Nomination Petition”) which shall:
a) be signed by not fewer than 10 voting members in good standing
b) include the written consent of the nominee
c) be filed with the chair of the NC at least 7 days prior to the AGM (bylaws 51 and 52)

With respect and appreciation,
Margaret Fletcher, Nominations Committee Chair

Learn more about serving on our UCV board

Nominating Committee update:

The nominating committee could use your help as we enter our new program year. We need to find at least six, possibly seven, people for our board before the November AGM.

We hope you have had a refreshing summer and are filled with enthusiasm, possibly with some sadness, but also with lots of optimistic curiosity and commitment as we enter this year of change(s) and growth for all of us.

Please seriously consider taking on a role in one of the three executive positions available or as a member at large. We will be phoning as many of you as we can until we find the important volunteers for the management of our self-governed community. We would rather not potentially miss people who know in their heart it is their time to take a turn on the board or have questions about the different roles or amount and kind of commitment necessary, so please don’t wait for a call but reach out directly to the committee via my contact information below!

It is a rich experience being a part of the board, understanding what it takes to keep this congregation functioning and thriving. It may seem overwhelming to take on that role, and we understand many of you are already doing important work with our many vital committees, but I hope you will consider it and also talk with your friends who you feel would be an important addition to the board. Orientation and mutual support available!
Thanks for giving this plea serious consideration.

Marg Fletcher, 778-772-1120, mfletcher508@gmail.com

CUC eNews November 2018

Highlights: New CUC Youth Observer, Board brainstorming using De Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats”, “Shining Lights” and special CUC Funding Programs, CUC Liaison role revived, Young Adults monthly zoom get together, other Roundtables & Webinars…

Download the CUC eNews from the communications page on the CUC website.

Subscribe to the eNews here

Articles include:
• Update from the Board President – Read about the September board & staff retreat held in Guelph, ON.
• New Youth Observer to the CUC Board (YOB) – Meet Liv Gardiner, our new YOB!

Liv writes: “I’m 19 years old, and am from Winnipeg, where I
attended the First UU Church of Winnipeg for 14 years. I’m in my
first year of University at Dalhousie in Halifax…”

• 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)  The upcoming AGM is scheduled for May 11, 2019, and will be hosted by the Unitarian Congregation of Mississauga. Review information about submitting motions.
• Planning for the AGM – Tips for delegate selection (due by April 1). Learn how to register your delegates.
• CUC Liaison Role Revived – The CUC Liaison is the bridge between your congregation and the CUC. Read about their responsibilities. (Currently at UCV this is Keith Wilkinson with help from Lynn Armstrong, Emilie Adin, Olivia Hall, Kiersten Moore, and Neal Cameron. Contact Keith if you’d like to help out.)
• Canada and Cannabis – The CUC has a long history of advocacy for the legalization of marijuana reaching back to the 1960s.
• International News – The International Women’s Convocation Fall 2018 newsletter is available now.
• News from Our Congregations – The Westwood Unitarian Congregation has become Canada’s First FreeThinker Friendly UU congregation.
• Shining Lights – The deadline for the 2019 Shining Lights nominations is coming up on December 15.
• Stories from the Nominees for the 2018 Shining Light Award – Learn more about Community Conversations at the Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough.
• Grants and Subsidies – The CUC manages a variety of grants and subsidies to support congregational outreach, innovation, and seminarians.
• Job and Volunteer Opportunities – Openings are available for CanUUdle staff, Unicamp is looking for a new Executive Director, and the First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is searching for a part-time consulting minister.
• Upcoming Events – Besides our CUC roundtables and webinars, the Eastern Regional Fall Gathering is happening on November 17. Register now!

• Gathered Here – A new program of monthly zoom chats for young adults

 2018 – November 12, December 10
2019 – January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 6, June 10, July 8, August 12.

• Organizational Tip – Check out the advantages of role-specific email addresses for leaders.
• Contact Us – A full listing of CUC Board and Staff contact information.

If you have information you would like to contribute or are interested in writing an article for the eNews, please contactcommunications@cuc.ca.