How to give to Vancouver Unitarians


A pledge is a promise to give a specified amount of money to UCV for the coming fiscal year 1 Jul to 30 Jun. The board uses this information to prepare UCV’s annual budget. All members and friends are encouraged to pledge, please click here to do so.


A donation is an immediate charitable gift to UCV. Some donations are made to honour pledges, and others are given to support particular programs or the general work of UCV. There are many ways to donate directly and immediately. Charitable donation receipts are issued annually for donations over $20/year. Please click here to donate.

About Vancouver Unitarians and giving

Vancouver Unitarians promote a culture of generosity among members and supporters, both in volunteering time and supporting its endeavours and those of the wider community financially.

To learn how you can share your volunteer time, go here. Also visit the Getting Involved page to see all the committees, groups, and regular events that support our community.

There are various ways our members and friends engage financially in a culture of generosity.

As well, the congregation gives back to the community through community activism and through donations of money collected at worship services. A portion of every Sunday’s offering is given to a community organization selected by the Outreach Opportunities Fund committee.