The Membership Committee has two main purposes:
- To attract and welcome newcomers to the church and help them integrate into the life of the church
- To foster among members a strong sense of ownership of our congregation by using the interests and skills of individuals and groups and acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments.
The work of the Membership Committee is carried out by several small sub-groups responsible for:
- Attracting and welcoming visitors and newcomers
- Planning and conducting new U orientation
- Membership records management
Committee members appreciate hearing from congregation members who have suggestions and comments that may help new members to become more involved in the life of our community.
New U Sub-Committee
The New U sub-committee presents “Starting Point” sessions, usually twice a year, on a Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. The sessions are intended for:
- Anyone who wants to learn more about Unitarian Universalism in general and the Unitarian Church of Vancouver in particular
- Anyone who is interested in becoming a member of our congregation
The sessions include:
- Unitarian history and theology
- The story of our own church
- A tour of the buildings and grounds
It’s a great time to get to know other newcomers and some current church members and to explore your own beliefs and spiritual journey.
Attendees of Starting Point sessions will be invited to join the congregation by signing the Membership Book. Contact if you’re interested in attending an upcoming session and becoming a member.
Connect and Engage Sub-Committee
Helps new members get connected.
Membership Records Sub-Committee
If you have skills and interest in managing data, you’d be welcome to work with this small group that helps to keep our membership records current. Some church programs and expenses are directly related to our official membership numbers, so keeping good records helps to ensure that we are able to meet member needs as well as contain our overall expenses.
Chinese language inclusion
In 2012, in an effort to reach out to Metro Vancouver Chinese-speaking residents and visitors who share Unitarian Universalist values and are seeking a supportive community of shared values, the Unitarian Church of Vancouver (UCV) adopted the Chinese name (pronounced Xun dao hui), a translation meaning Seekers of the Way, which we believe is an accurate description of our worldview.
Although our worship services are currently delivered in English only, with the help of a team of interpreters from different parts of the world, we have prepared a Chinese-language brochure (in both simplified and traditional scripts) that describes Unitarian principles and sources, and provides links to Unitarian Universalist materials available in Chinese elsewhere in the world.
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