How to donate:
To give online click here: Give online to UCV.
First time givers will be prompted to set up an account in the UCV Breeze database. If you already have an account, you’ll be able to update your contact information and review your recent donations to UCV. Only you and our bookkeeping staff can see your donation information.
To give by text, enter 17787711707 on your smartphone
If it’s your first time donating by text, you’ll be given a link and asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with your phone number. Then simply text the amount you’d like to give to this number. (e.g.: texting $5 to 17787711707 will send $5.00 to UCV open collections.) Once you’ve donated, you’ll receive a text confirming that your gift has been received successfully and giving you the option to cancel the donation.
You can also direct text donations to some specific UCV functions. To do this, enter an amount followed by one of the following tags.
- e.g., Entering $10 Love will donate $10 to the UCV Love Soup lunch program.
The list of tags is currently as follows:
- Pledge = UCV general fund (toward the annual pledge most members and friends make)
- Choir = Choir Concert Donations
- CRE = Children’s Religious Exploration (CRE)
- Enviro = Environment Team
- Library = Library Donations (Literature stall, etc.)
- Love = Love Soup Donations
- Messy = Messy Church, Children’s Religious Exploration
- Partner = Partner Church Committee
- Refugee = Refugee Committee Fund
- SJ = Social Justice Committee
- Youth = Youth Fund
- (blank) = UCV open collection
Other available text commands:
- Refund: Refunds the previously donated amount
- Update: Update your payment method
- Unlink: Unlink your phone from the text-to-give system
*Fees for Online Giving and Text to Give
- Visa & MasterCard Credit/Debit Cards 2.9% + $0.30/transaction
- American Express Charge/Credit/Debit Cards 3.5% + $0.00/transaction
Four other ways to make a charitable donation
e-Transfer, cheque, and cash are our preferred methods of receiving donations because there are no processing fees for these.
Interac e-Transfer
- Set up Vancouver Unitarians as an e-Transfer payee with your bank. (You only have to do this once).
- Email the funds to our main email address:
- UCV is set up for auto deposit, so there is no need for security answers or questions. Your donation is automatically deposited into UCV’s account.
- If you choose to direct your donation to a specific fund, please indicate this in the message box on the e-transfer.
You can pay by single cheque, or by a series of post-dated cheques. If you pay by post-dated cheque, we will hold onto the cheques until after the date indicated on the cheque. Make cheques payable to “Vancouver Unitarians“.
If you pay by cash, please place the cash in an envelope, clearly print your name and address on the envelope, and indicate if you want the funds applied to a particular UCV program. Leave the envelope in the offering basket, or deliver it to office Admin staff, or to a Canvass volunteer on a Sunday morning.
Credit Card or PayPal via Canada Helps
You can also give to UCV via credit card or PayPal through Canada Helps. Click Here and follow the instructions. If you already have a PayPal account, login to your account using your signin name and password. If you do NOT have a PayPal account, click on the Create Account button to set up a free account. UCV prefers Interac e-Transfers, cash, or cheques as a payment form because they involve no additional fee, but if PayPal or Canada Helps are your preferred options, we welcome gifts via this route as well. Note that when you pay through PayPal, PayPal keeps 1.6% of your donation as a processing fee. Also, when donating through Canada Helps, that organization (rather than UCV) will issue your charitable donation receipt.
Charitable Receipts
You will be mailed a charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes for any donation over $20, so be sure that the UCV office knows your current mailing address! If you’re not sure, send your mailing address to:
Thanks for your generosity!
About Vancouver Unitarians and giving
Vancouver Unitarians promote a culture of generosity among members and supporters, both in volunteering time and supporting its endeavours and those of the wider community financially.
To learn how you can share your volunteer time, go here. Also visit the Getting Involved page to see all the committees, groups, and regular events that support our community.
There are various ways our members and friends engage financially in a culture of generosity.
As well, the congregation gives back to the community through community activism and through donations of money collected at worship services. A portion of every Sunday’s offering is given to a community organization selected by the Outreach Opportunities Fund committee.