Director of Religious Exploration sets the overall direction of our Children’s and Youth Religious Education programs along with the support of the Youth Advisors, the Children’s and Youth Religious Exploration Advisory Group and the Parish Minister, any of whom would be happy to discuss our program in more detail with you. Parents and other interested adults assist the program by volunteering to lead classes, direct pageants, make lunches, fund-raise, maintain and improve spaces and resources and much more. The program is offered free of charge, with costs supported by the pledges and financial support of the entire congregation, with some additional fundraising, and targeted donations.
Director’s Children’s and Youth Religious Exploration Management Committee
This committee meets regularly to support the administrative and human resources needs of the CYRE programs. This committee, also known as the Director of RE Management Committee (DREMC) serves as the CYRE liaison to the UCV Board of Trustees.
Children’s and Youth Religious Exploration Advisory Group
This group meets monthly on issues related to the operation of our children’s Sunday school program and our youth group program. These issues include curricula, special event planning, communication with parents and congregation, safety and special needs issues, budget planning, priority/goal setting, fundraising and much more. To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Exploration at or 604.261.7204.
This committee meets quarterly to discuss the coordination of lifespan offerings and trainings for our Our Whole Lives sexuality education program. OWL is offered for ages Kindergarten-grade 1, grades 4 to 6, grades 7 to 9, grades 10 to 12, young adult (18 to 35) and adult (also begins at 18 – and up). To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Education at or 604.261.7204.
Adult Religious Education Committee
This committee meets as required to discuss and plan for our twice yearly offerings of religious education programs. Look for brochures coming out in August/September and December/January. Contact the office to get involved.
Join our Volunteer Team for Children and Youth Groups!
Ministry to children, youth, and families is physically different in this physically distanced world for the foreseable future. The one thing that remains the same is that caring, curious, and interested adults are required to mentor, advise, and lead our various circles and groups. This could be you! We build supportive spaces for our children and youth to create friendships, explore big questions, engage in social justice, be seen and heard, grow spiritually, and be nurtured.
Fill out this form for 2020 volunteer opportunities
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, still I would plant my apple tree.
–Martin Luther
Youth Advisors guide our Youth on a co-leadership model–partnering with the youth to design and coordinate their time together. Youth group meets for 2 hours once a week, currently via zoom. Led by our Youth Coordinator, Olivia Hall, we aim to have a team of 4-6 adults advise on a rotating basis, currently we have two regular advisors. We may organize group outings in the outdoors as restrictions loosen. Youth advisors must be at least 25 years old. |
Mairy Beam and Nan Gregory host children’s time before the Sunday service live-stream most Sundays. The children have a chance to see each other, share a story and a simple activity or craft that can be done at home. Explorations are built around monthly themes and next year we are exploring the Cosmos. We would love to have two new adults join our Children’s Team.
(age group 5-9) |
Are you interested in exploring big questions? Wisdom of World Religions? What does it mean to be so small in such a big universe? Can you roll with questions that seem to come from left field, leave you scratching your head and everyone laughing? Join our tweens (ages 10-12) in the fall of 2020 or over the summer and take on leadership of this group with Kiersten. Whether in zoom rooms or in person, building friendships and exploring truth and meaning creates fun for everyone involved. |
Youth in grades 7 and 8 spend a mentorship year exploring what it means to be Unitarian. What exactly do they buy into? What do they believe? What does it mean to be spiritual, mindful, religious, atheist, agnostic, humanist or … ? Key to this exploration is You. Mentorship by a fellow Unitarian and member of UCV builds trust and relationship between our youth and an adult outside their family group–an essential part of a teen’s life.
Mentors and youth meet once a month 1:1 with a goal each meeting built around forming connections and relationship–journeying together. The whole group of mentors and youth meet once a month together to delve deeper. |
Our Whole Lives Facilitator
We need more facilitators for all levels of the Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education program, from the elementary ages, through high school, and into adulthood! Facilitators work in teams to follow the O.W.L. curriculum which for most is 8-10 sessions long, 25 sessions for the Junior High level. It’s not hard to follow and lead–but it takes a dedication and willingness to discuss all aspects of sexuality, family life, and relationships. Potential facilitators must attend a weekend long in-person training in order to be certified.
Fill out the form if you’re willing to attend a training in the next couple years (once they’re available). |
Create FUUN Kits for Families
We have a room full of craft supplies going unused–Anyone interested in helping put together activity kits that we can mail to families for the summer? Maybe ongoing monthly through the year? I would love some help implementing this distance fun idea…
Fill out this form with your interest–more info will come your way:
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