Are you missing our circle dance gatherings? Our good friends Darlene and Frances put together a playlist of dances that are familiar to many in their Ladner Circle Dance Group. I danced “with” them on Friday night (as I do usually on the last Friday of each month).
My contribution was putting together a youtube playlist. Dance instruction is (when available) put before the music. If you’re not familiar with the dance, maybe just improvise some of the steps. We always say, “There are no wrong steps, only variations” so this is a good time to do your own variations.
Here’s what Darlene and Frances sent out.
Hello Ladner Dancers,
Frances and Darlene have prepared a “Blossom!” Spring dance program for those who wish to listen or move to dances and music familiar to the Ladner Dance Circle. Some of the music videos have beautiful images to enjoy too.
The world situation is challenging and affecting us in many ways. Dance is our connection to each other, to community, to other places/other people, to our precious earth and beyond. Dance is grounding and healing. Please join the Ladner Dance Circle in your own home with your heart, intentions and prayers whenever you have the time and energy to connect with these suggested dances/songs (or your own favourites!).
Grab a scarf or two (for Winds on the Tor) and a candle (for My Prayer and Sending You Light) before you begin to dance…
Blessings in the dance of life,
Frances and Darlene
PS It would be lovely to know if you dance or listen along with us.
Breathe deeply! enJOY
Here Now Lyrics (excerpts):
This spiral dance of joy and grief
Here now, the body breathes
Here now, the laughing, crying
Here now, the birds and dying
Here now, this tale unfolding
Here now, the circle holding
Here now, blessed be
These hands that form a sacred ring
Here now, blessed be
These feet that dance, these hearts that sing
Here now, blessed be
The flowering of the living tree
Here now, blessed be
This light that flows through you and me
Here now, be here now,
We’re here now
Here Now
Choreographer: Paul Boizot, UK
Album: Invocation
Artist: Jaiya, BC, Canada
Heartbeat Drum Song
Choreographer: Ciann and Manitoulin Island Sacred Circle Dance Group
Music Origin: Native American. The song is in a compilation of Tutelo and Saponi languages, now extinct dialects of the Sioux nation
Music Title: Mahk Jchi
Artist: Ulali
Steps: Dance can travel to the right or left. If traveling to the right:
R side, L together (to the right) X3, L side (going left), R touch. Repeat.
Lyrics translation:
Our hearts are full and our minds are good
Our ancestors come and give us strength
Stand tall, sing, dance and never forget who you are
Or where you come from
Healing Waters
Choreographer: S. Raschke
Music Title: Song to the Mother
Album: Fire Prayer
Artist: Denean
Suvetar (Goddess of Spring)
Choreographer: Kevin Meyers – USA
Album: Sjofn
Artist: Gjallarhorn – Sweden
Irish Dance (Honouring St Patrick’s Day)
Music: your choice of Irish music
Steps: skip and have fun like the children in this video
Or if you want more of a challenge, then enjoy dancing this dance…
Music: Irish Tipple
Choreographer: Barbara Driscoll
Winds on the Tor (Fresh Spring winds)
Choreographer: Glastonbury Wed. eve dance group
Music Title: Young Brown Cow (traditional)
Artist: unknown
Suggestion: dance Winds on the Tor with a scarf or two and be playful
Pachelbel In the Garden (sounds of Spring)
Choreographer: Sun Meditation steps by Bernard Wosien matched to this music by Frances Rose, BC, Canada
Album: Dan Gibson’s Solitudes, Exploring Nature With Music, Pachelbel in the Garden
Artist: Dan Gibson
Dance: (Sun Meditation steps)
Sun Meditation (Equinox ~ balance of light and dark and connection to Findhorn)
Choreographer: Bernard Wosien, Findhorn
Music Title: Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 J.S.Bach
Bells of Norwich (A dance of hope ~ all will be well again)
Choreographer: Collin Harrison, UK
Artist: Sydney Carter
Dance: (See step notes at bottom of this email)
Offering Govand (Traditional dance steps to celebrate love and life)
Choreographer: Traditional steps matched to this music by Shakeh Major Tchilingirian
Origin: Western Armenia
Music Title: Offering
Album: Treasures
Artist: Night Ark
From World Circle Dance Day 2019
Dance video:
My Prayer (candle dance)
Music: Greek
Music title: Prosefhi
Album: Odos Nefelis’88
Artist: Haris Alexiou, Greece
Dance steps: 3 forward steps, 1 sway back, candle in left hand toward centre, right hand on left back heart space of person in front or when dancing alone put right hand on your heart.
Translation of the lyrics to My Prayer (Prosefhi)
Give me a line so that I can walk
Give me a name so I won’t get lost
Give me a dream, a dream to hold on to
Give me a vision to help me resist.
Give me a child to make my confessions to
Give me a kiss to wash away the evil
Wake me in the morning with a song
which would bless my life.
Hold your own prayer in your heart as you dance ”My Prayer”…
When you have finished dancing, face centre
Sending You Light (candle meditation)
Artist: Ana Hernández & Fran McKendree
Album: Sending You Light
Movement: stand still or move your candle or move your body….
As the music plays, meditate with your candle
I am sending you light to heal you, to hold you. I am sending you light to hold you in love.
- V-hold, Facing to the right, moving to the right: Step Right, Left, Right slip step (Right, slip together Left, Right), Left slip step (Left, slip together Right, Left)
- Facing centre: step side Right, Left close to the right
- Repeat, mirroring steps to the left
- “Bells”…rock in on the Right foot, rock out on the Left foot(repeat 3 more times). Arms rock in and out too.
- Turn slowly in place: with right hand on heart and left hand up, take 4 steps over the right shoulder Right, Left, Right, Left
- Bow slowly: hands on heart or in prayer position
- Repeat
- Last cycle ends by repeating “Bells” rocking, turning and sealing the hope filled dance with hands folded over the heart.
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