Tag: CUC

In the interim: Reporting back on the CUC National Symposium

I have just returned from a week in Ottawa where the tulips were in spectacular bloom. I had been on retreat with Canadian ministers and then attending the CUC National Symposium. A lot was packed into this week! If you missed it, I encourage you to watch the powerful Confluence Lecture delivered by Rev. Julie Stoneberg, speaking to where we, as Canadian Unitarian Universalists and Unitarians are now and may be going. People are talking about how inspiring, funny and challenging her message to us all is. It would be interesting to have a discussion group at UCV about the lecture.   


Also really fantastic was the Sunday morning Worship service, ably led by Rev. Eric Meter from Ottawa, Rev. Diane Rollert from Montreal and Rev. Fulgence Ndigadimana also from Ottawa, plus the amazing song leading of Susanne Mazairz, Toronto’s Neighbourhood UU Congregation’s Music Director. Enjoy! (Watch the service.)


You will be hearing more about the CUC Symposium in the coming days and weeks. I want to lift up a couple of special announcements, one of which you may have already heard: UCV’s own Kiersten Moore is newly-elected as the President of the Canadian Unitarian Council.  Congratulations Kiersten!!! Also, Rev. Anne Barker (who delivered the 2020 Confluence lecture) is beginning her new role with the Congregational Life Team supporting Western Canada, in place of Joan Carolyn, who retired this Spring. Many transitions, new roles and exciting new leadership to shepherd our movement across Canada into the future.  


I was sorry to miss the wonderful and creative worship services by the Partner Church and IPA, and will check out the recordings. There seems to be a lot of energy and momentum as we head toward summer, which is so inspiring! I am looking forward to our last month together as a time to appreciate just how far we have come since our beginnings in the summer of 2020.  


With warmest blessings, 


Rev. Lara Cowtan

Vancouver Unitarians at the CUC

What a week it has been! I left for Ottawa last Wednesday to attend the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) gathering, AGM, and Symposium on Living into the 8th Principle. It was an uplifting, challenging, inspiring, and generative weekend. I was pleased to see a few other Vancouver Unitarians in-person and online for the first national multi-platform conference made possible by multiple owl conference cameras (including ours–thank you!)

I have been the CUC Board Secretary for the past five years, and I agreed this year to stand as President. It is with humbleness mixed with excitement and trepidation that I step into this role for my last year on the Board.  The people working at the national staff and Board level are kind, courageous, thoughtful, compassionate and dedicated to the thriving growth of our denomination. And we cannot do this work without you. 

To thrive as Unitarian-Universalists in Canada we must reach out beyond the boundaries of our individual congregations and see each other as part of something bigger. As one of the largest congregations in Canada we are positioned to be a pillar of leadership, a mother tree in a forest ecosystem. In my role as President I hope to bring the humanity of the CUC and the reality that we are a community of communities home. 

I understand that there was a deeply meaningful listening circle held here this past weekend focused on hearing and understanding each other in relation to the 8th Principle adoption. Out of that circle came a desire for UCV to create its own statement of purpose around antiracism and anti-oppression work. Our youth see the 8th Principle as the action principle–the doing, building, and getting down to work Principle. And it will be healing to work in circles of consensus to define how we, as a congregation, will manifest our work and dedication to a more just and peaceful world. It has been 7 years since we undertook a visioning process and now is an auspicious time to take up this work; re-forming ourselves in a post-lockdown time and preparing to welcome a new settled minister. I hope many of you will take the opportunity to participate. 

There have also been many conversations around how we govern ourselves, how we make decisions, and how to do so in a way that lives into our values and includes voices that are often left out. The CUC Decision Making Exploration Team is holding a series of workshops between now and January for people to practice different forms of decision making such as consensus building and sociocracy. I hope our Board and anyone else interested in new ways to generate participatory democracy will attend and help shape the CUC and Vancouver Unitarians into the future. People are asked to participate in at least three of the year’s events in order to join the January workshop on drafting a preliminary proposal for the CUC’s annual general meeting. 

Mark your calendars for June 10th, 10 am Pacific for practicing Sociocracy together: https://cuc.ca/events/practicing-together/ 

I look forward to seeing you in National U*U spaces!

–Kiersten Moore

CUC President and BC Region representative

Kiersten Moore elected President of CUC for 2023-24

Vancouver Unitarian member and Director of Lifespan Faith Development was elected to be President of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) at its Annual General Meeting on 19 May 2023. Congratulations to Kiersten!! 

The hybrid meeting lasted 4 hours and included approximately 50 delegates online via zoom and a similar number face to face in Ottawa. At the time of registration CUC was comprised of 41 congregations with 3,845 members with 114 delegates.

Some highlights of the meeting:

  • Approved various Bylaw Amendments as presented.
  • Postponed Indefinitely the motion to approve proposed 2023 Goals and Strategic Priorities.
    This was preceded by extensive discussion of this complex document. The Board will seek more input on it and bring forward a revised document at a future date TBA.
  • Approved a motion to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and implement a related action plan.
  • Approved an update of the 2023 budget and a preliminary 2024 budget, with some concern expressed due to volatile investments and larger than usual planned deficits.
  • Appointed auditors and approved the audited financial report for 2023.
  • Thanked staff and volunteers for their dedicated work on behalf of CUC member congregations over the past year.
  • Noted that Rev Anne Barker (Edmonton) has been hired as the new full time CUC staff person – Congregational Life: Lead, BC and West Regions (replacing Joan Carolyn who retired recently).
  • Appointed Nicole MacKay as a Chaplain to the Canadian Military.
  • Noted that Rev Samaya Oakley (South Fraser/Calgary) has been elected as President of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada (UUMOC) for 2023-24.
  • Elected and installed a new CUC Board for 2023-24 comprised as follows:
    • President: Kiersten Moore, BC Region
    • Vice-President: Margaret Kohr, Central Region
    • Co-Treasurer: Yvette Salinas, Eastern Region
    • Co-Treasurer: Margaret Wanlin, Western Region
    • Secretary: Rev Rodrigo Solano-Quesnel, Central Region
    • Member at Large, BC Region: Rev Debra Faulk, BC Region
    • Senior Youth Observer: Artemisia Frolic-Smart, Central Region
    • Minister Observer: Rev Shana Lynngood, BC Region

Meeting background documents can be found here.

Thanks to the six Vancouver members who volunteered to be UCV’s delegates at this year’s meeting: Emilie Adin, Lynn Armstrong, Marg Fletcher, Leslie Kemp, Tamiko Suzuki and Keith Wilkinson.

At the 2023 CUC AGM in Ottawa.

UCV Denominational Affairs Zoom FORUM, 7 pm, 3 May 2023

Final CUC Resolutions for 2023 regarding

1) Bylaws,
2) Goals and Strategic Priorities
3) Repudiation of Doctrine of Discovery
4) Budgets for 2023 and 2024

are in a folder here:

Earlier DRAFT resolutions are here.
Earlier COMMENTS sent to CUC from UCV members are here.  

There was a CUC AGM Plenary on Motions Round Table, 9 AM – 10:30 AM Pacific, on Sat 29 Apr 2023.
There were 32 participants including 7 from UCV. Contact CUC or one of the UCV delegates for further information about this event. 

Click here for a link to the UCV zoom Forum at 7 pm on 3 May 2023 (open to all UCV Members and Friends) to discuss the final versions of the CUC resolutions. The Forum is intended especially to address the needs of the six delegates who the UCV Board has appointed to represent UCV at the CUC AGM.

1st Image Credit: David Neel, “Just Say No”. 1991.
Print 5/135.  Photo: Keith Wilkinson

2nd Image Credit: Daphne Naegele. “Many suns cannot penetrate the darkness”. 1989.
Acrylic – oil pastel on paper.  Daphne (1967-2007) was a long-time member of UCV.
Photo: Keith Wilkinson

UCV’s denominational affairs, update – 16 April 2023

Draft 2023 CUC ResolutionsUCV Members were invited to comment on the draft resolutions and action plans that CUC prepared for approval at the 19 May 2023 Annual General Meeting in Ottawa. Comments were invited in the following areas:

    1. Goals and strategic priorities
    2. Repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery
    3. CUC Bylaw revisions
    4. 2023-24 Budget

What UCV members said is summarized anonymously CUC Proposed Resolutions Feedback from UCV – Rev for web 2023-04-17

[38 UCV members provided feedback. The summary is 14 pages and includes 8 charts showing distribution of support for various parts of the resolutions.]

Many (but not all) past CUC resolutions from 1969 to 2022 are available as pdf documents here.

Next steps in congregational discussions with CUC

  1. CUC staff and board members review and discuss feedback from up to 41 member congregations.
  2. CUC staff and board revise the resolutions and action plans or affirm them in their original form.
  3. CUC sends revised/reaffirmed resolutions back to member congregations for final review.
  4. UCV members review and discuss the revised/reaffirmed resolutions. UCV is planning an evening Forum in on 3 May 2023 at 7 pm via zoom, open to all members and friends to discuss the final versions of the resolutions and to brief UCV delegates about the AGM.

UCV’s delegates for the CUC AGM

COV Storm Sewer Cover, design by Nigel Dembicki
  1. Each congregational Board appoints members to represent their congregation at the CUC AGM. Delegate numbers are proportional to congregational size. With 277 members and associate members, UCV is entitled to 6 delegates this year. For many years, Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver have had the three largest memberships in Canada. By recent count there were 43 CUC member congregations.
  2. Some boards give direction to their delegates regarding how they wish them to vote. For example, some delegate groups split their support for resolutions based on the level of support amongst their members. Others ask delegates to vote according to their conscience, or in a manner that they believe will be in the best interests of the congregation or the national movement.
  3. The UCV Denominational Affairs Committee orients UCV delegates by discussing with them the history and implications of the resolutions and action plans and the technical side of voting if participating by zoom.
  4. At the AGM, any official delegate may speak to and vote on the resolutions. Non-delegates may attend but may only speak at the meeting by invitation of the Chairperson. The AGM is scheduled from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific, Wed 19 May 2023. See Canada Time Zone Map here. *All UCV Members are welcome to zoom in to the CUC AGM but must register in advance.
  5. After resolutions are passed (or defeated), CUC staff and volunteers begin/continue to work on implementing them (or not) and will report on their progress at the 2024 AGM.

Meanwhile, what else is happening nationally and internationally in the U*U world?

The Leadership and Design Team for International U/U Collaboration has been working to establish processes and a new organization to support the former Unitarian Partner Church Council and the work of the former International Council of Unitarian Universalists. The goal of the Leadership & Design Team is “to create an organizational framework for a new international Unitarian, Unitarian Universalist, and Free Church organization.” More about changes for the Partner Church Council here.

Kiersten Moore, UCV Director of Lifetime Faith Development and current CUC Secretary posted this on the CUC Leaders Google Group recently:

“There has been a lot of discernment and conversation happening around international U/U connections–I have only peripherally paid attention to what is going on, but I understand that the international relationships and work is valued and ongoing while in transformation. The UUA has, over the years, been accused of imposing its perspective and view on international UUs, being paternalistic in partner church relationships, and acting unilaterally as if they are themselves an international organization. I have heard a desire to be more intentional and collaborative from my conversations with people in UUA leadership with the goal of responsible relationship building.

I’m sure mistakes are made, such as the intern transition that Bruce Knotts mentions. The UUA staffing structure looks huge compared to the CUC, but they are still stretched for the number of members and breadth of regions that they serve. Institutions are unwieldy, but I hope we can all remember that they are made up of individual people and leaders bear the brunt of people’s dissatisfaction and frustrations. Let’s be compassionate and curious in our interactions.”

Some National & International Unitarian Connections

Name URL
Australian & New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association (ANZUUA) ANZUUA.org
British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches Unitarian.org.uk
Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) CUC.CA
Church of the Larger Fellowship (a UUA congregation without walls) CLF link
Flaming Chalice International (A Canadian charity active in Burundi) FCI link
International Association for Religious Freedom IARF.net
International UU organizations around the world (31 links courtesy of UUA) UUs abroad
Leadership and Design Team for International U/U Collaboration (new in 2022) LADT link
North American Unitarian Association (new in 2023) naunitarians.org
One America Movement (Maryland, USA, non-denominational, newish) OAM link
Sociocracy for All (Domain-based consensus decision-making) SOFA link
UBC’s School of Public Policy and Global Affairs (Phil Lind Initiative) UBC PLI
Ukraine – In solidarity with (UUA International Office) UUkraine
Unitarian Congregations of Greater Toronto (UCGT) UCGT.ca
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) (Based in Boston) UUA.org
UU World – The magazine for Unitarian Universalists (published by the UUA) UUWorld.org


…Metis, Canadian Blood Services, Infinity…
Intersections of Spirit

City of Vancouver Sanitary Sewer design by Andrew Dexel,
Storm Sewer design by Nigel Dembicki,
photos by Keith Wilkinson.
More COV sewer design info here

Your Feedback Wanted on CUC Proposed Resolutions


The Denominational Affairs committee invites all members’ feedback on the proposed CUC Resolutions scheduled to be voted on May 19, 2023.

Survey re: CUC Resolutions: https://forms.gle/2J3yUaban3ewsKxG7

shortlink: tinyurl.com/ucvdac

We are gathering questions and comments in various ways (forum now on youtube/ cafe style discussions on Sunday March 5) and now invite all members to indicate their level of support, comments, questions about the resolutions.

We are asking for feedback so that we can compile a report for our board and send to the CUC for consideration. The Board thanked the Denominational Affairs committee for collecting nd requested the committee to submit updated information by the new deadline of April 1, 2023.  35 people have submitted so far.

The form requires your name and email address and to verify you are a member. A compilation of the ranking scales and all comments will be submitted anonymously, exactly as you write them.  After submission, the compilation will be shared with the congregation.  We do encourage you to discuss your comments with others. The survey is set up so that if you choose to go back and add or change before March 31 you are able to do so.

You may be knowledgeable about all the resolutions, or there may be only one you wish to comment on. You can answer as many or as few of the questions as you wish. The narrative questions are the questions CUC has asked for.

To see a comparison of the 2022 and 2023 Goals and Strategic Priorities click below

Questions on the survey can be directed to Mary Bennett unitarianmary@gmail.com

Your Denominational Affairs Committee is:

Keith Wilkinson, Chair keithwilkinsonconsulting@gmail.com

Leslie Kemp, Vice-Chair

Lynn Armstrong

Mary Bennett

Karin Hall

Ingrid Luters


Ex Officio

Rev. Lara Cowtan

President Mairy Beam



Kiersten Moore, Staff, and CUC Board Member

Olivia Hall, Staff


Mary Bennett is receiving and compiling the surveys. If you have questions or comments you can send her an email to unitarianmary@gmail.com


UCV Survey for Feedback


CUC Proposed Resolutions (may be revised after feedback)


Document comparing 2022 and 2023 Goals and Strategic Priorities


Vancouver Unitarians Call for CUC Delegates


UCV Forum by Denominational Affairs Committee on CUC Resolutions 2023


2022 Forum by Denominational Affairs Committee on Role of CUC Delegates


Forum on UUA’s Draft Article II



Call for CUC Delegates

Call for CUC Delegates

The Canadian Unitarian Council Annual General Meeting will be held in person (in Ottawa) and electronically Friday, May 19 from 10:00 – 1:30 pm Pacific. UCV board will submit names of our 6 delegates by May 1, 2023.

In 2022, the UCV board adopted the CUC-recommended process of appointing delegates to serve a two-year term, during which they would represent us at two consecutive AGMs and between meetings will keep informed about CUC matters and communicate with the congregation by written posts and discussion forums. 

The board hosted a Board Forum on Sunday, February 27, 2022 to share the background on this decision and respond to questions.  Several members who have served as delegates at CUC AGMs in the past shared their experience. You can watch the forum here.

Orientation and support for CUC Delegates

The Denominational Affairs committee is planning orientation and support for delegates.

If you have been a delegate in the past, it would be appreciated if you would complete this form, to help us plan appropriate support.

Criteria for Individual Delegates

  1. Member for a minimum of six months (same as serving on board from bylaws)
  2. Recent active involvement in at least one team, committee or task force, preferably in a leadership role
  3. Demonstrated interest and knowledge of CUC through attending gatherings, workshops or roundtables/webinars
  4. Good written and verbal communication skills, preferably comfort with public speaking/facilitation
  5. Comfort and access to computer, webcam, online communication programs (zoom, email, etc.)

Criteria for the team of delegates

  1. A range of newer members with more experienced members
  2. Provide opportunities for first-time delegates with support from each other and previous delegates
  3. Diversity of age, gender, heritage, length of time as UCV member and areas of involvement at UCV 
  4. At least two who are experienced at setting up online or in-person forums to discuss issues with the congregation
  5. At least two who are willing to write web and e-news articles about CUC issues at least three times per year.

Note: depending on the issues coming to a particular AGM, the board may adjust this in any one year

Please submit your expression of interest by Wednesday, March 15, 2023 so selection can be made at the April board meeting. 

Interested? Here is a link to a form to express interest in representing UCV at the upcoming May meeting. You can choose a one or two-year term or offer to be a back-up in case needed. https://forms.gle/Gh5PsKzNFjtLfDCC9

Selected delegates will be asked to submit a short bio (200-250 words) and a photo to share with the congregation. 

Here is a link to the CUC recommendations which UCV board endorsed at our January, 2022, meeting: https://cuc.ca/about-cuc/annual-general-meeting/delegate-information/

If you have further questions, please contact

Members of the Denominational Affairs Committee

What to Expect During CanUUdle at UCV (May 19 – 23, 2022)

Dear UCV community members, 

The weekend of May 19th-23rd 2022, a very special event will be taking place at UCV. It is the annual conference for Canadian Unitarian Universalist youth, known as CanUUdle. At CanUUdle, youth from across Canada come together en masse to build friendships, worship together, grow in their faith and build their capacity as spiritual and community leaders. The all-volunteer CanUUdle ‘staff’ team, primarily composed of youth, plan and lead the conference, with the support of dedicated adult advisors.  

If you are around UCV this weekend, here is a snapshot of what you might expect to find, and some requests about sharing space:  

Quick facts 

  • The conference runs from Friday, May 20th around 6pm to Monday, May 23rd around 1pm.  
  • There will be conference staff onsite to set up as of 5pm on Thursday, May 19th, and staying to clean up until around 3pm on Monday the 23rd. 
  • We are expecting around 45 participants, including youth ages 14-19 and adult advisors.  

Building use  

  • CanUUdle generally requires full use of the buildings of the host congregation for the duration of the conference. However, we have been provided with the booking schedule for the weekend and are prepared to work around regular long-term rentals and other events that have already booked space.  
  • Sunday morning, the youth will be off site while the regular Sunday morning service is happening. Their belongings will be moved to the balcony of the Sanctuary, and we ask that this area is off-limits for all except the tech people at that time. The youth will return to eat their lunch in the Hall at noon. The young adults of Chorus (the national young adult conference, happening at North Shore the same weekend), will also be onsite at UCV for a special picnic lunch also at noon that day.  

Youth culture  

  • For many youth, Unitarian Universalist youth events are one of the few places in their lives where they feel they can share and celebrate aspects of themselves that they may keep private in other settings. Many develop deep friendships, and conferences such as CanUUdle are a place of exuberant connection. Please do not be alarmed if you witness more-raucous-than-usual playing, singing, or dancing, or open displays of trust and affection such as hand-holding, “cuddle puddles,” or emotional vulnerability.  
  • CanUUdle culture is based on principles of informed consent and respect for oneself, others, and our environment. We will strive to relate to our neighbours according to these principles, and hope that you will return the same. If any conflict arises, please contact the CanUUdle Coordinator (info below).  

For safety and insurance purposes, any adults who are interacting with youth at a CUC event must have completed a Criminal Record Check and have provided a signed Congregational Involvement form. This year, we are also requiring that everyone wears masks indoors and ‘signs in’ for the purpose of contact tracing in case of a Covid outbreak. We ask that other groups using the buildings do not interact with CanUUdle participants. If you need to speak with someone during the conference, ask for me (Carter, the CanUUdle Coordinator) or another adult advisor.  

We are very grateful to UCV for providing us with the space to host this important event, which in many ways is the mainstay of Canadian UU youth ministry. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to help out with this event in any way, please contact the CanUUdle Coordinator at canuudle@cuc.ca, or the CUC Youth and Young Adult Ministry Staff at youth@cuc.ca. 

In faith, 

Carter Mahoney  

CanUUdle Coordinator

UCV Delegates Needed for CUC 8th Principle Meeting

The UCV Board of Trustees would like to invite anyone interested in being a UCV Delegate to the upcoming November CUC special meeting on the 8th Principle to please put your name forward. We would particularly like to encourage folx who identify as Indigenous, black, or person of colour, and those under 40 years of age, to please consider representing your spiritual community.

If you would like to put your name forward to be a UCV Delegate, please send an email to President Diane Brown at president@vancouverunitarians.ca. PLEASE NOTE that selected Delegates must commit to the following; reading the Dismantling Racism Study Group Final Report, the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions 94 Calls to Action, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Potential Delegates must also commit to attending all of the CUC open forums on the 8th Principle.

The dates of the CUC open forums on the 8th Principle are Sept. 19th, Oct. 3rd, Oct. 17th and Nov. 7th. These meetings are accumulative, meaning that one builds on the last one, so participation at all of them is important. Specific times and zoom links will be offered closer to the time.

CUC 2021 Conference Open Events, 14 – 16 May No Registration Required

Some CUC Conference Events require pre-registration. The following are open without pre-registration:

Available in advance…

Confluence Lecture – Rev Ann Barker, Parish Minister, Westwood Unitarians, Edmonton

The lecture this year addresses the topic of dismantling racism. The “lecture” adopts a new format –  three parts that can be viewed in advance or read via pdf followed on 14 May with a national discussion.

Dismantling Racism Study Group Reports – Study the twelve-page 2019 Preliminary Report of the CUC’s DRSG. The 4-page glossary alone is worth studying (and isn’t part of the final report).  It includes definitions of 57 concepts promiinent in anti-racism work and links related to the concepts.

See the 2021 Final Report of the DRSG here. 

See also the 13 May 2021 report via email to CUC leaders google group from CUC President, Margaret Wanlin and Executive Director, Vyda Ng titled “A Way Forward for the 8th Principle Process”.  The report provides plans for moving forward with substantial actions to dismantle racism in our congregations and communities, and a Special Meeting to be held on Saturday, 27 Nov 2021 to review CUC resolutions processes and the findings and recommendations of the DRSG.








Visit the CUC virtual Memorial Wall any time before or during the Conference. This place is provided to commemorate and honour a loved one, mark a loss or hold a light to a concern that is in your heart. This Wall will be included in the Saturday morning ritual led by the Lay Chaplains. You can participate by leaving a comment on a Note or uploading a photo.

The Conference itself…Conference Webpage here

Opening Ceremonies – 3 PM Pacific, Friday 14 May 2021

The Opening Ceremony will be live-streamed on Zoom at http://bit.ly/OpeningCeremonyCUC and will be closed captioned.

Sunday Multigenerational Worship Service

Sunday, May 16, 10 am PT| 11 am MT|12 pm CT|1 pm ET|2 pm AT (1.5 hours)

Now more than ever we need to be grounded in connection, in hope, and in love. As the cycles of the seasons teach us the gifts of the dark as well as the light, we still need energy — a spark — to fuel living into our aspirations and values no matter the season, the struggle, or the celebration. This Sunday service will celebrate how our UU faith and our connections are crucial to sustaining and amplifying that spark.

The Sunday service will be live-streamed on Zoom at http://bit.ly/NationalWorshipMay16 (closed captioned), and on the CUC’s YouTube Channel.

Zoom Meeting ID: 885 0018 9706 | Passcode: 595025 | Canada Toll-free 1-855-703-8985

Even if you can’t participate you can donate to this year’s CUC special initiatives.

Special Conference Collection

Each year we choose one or more special recipients as the beneficiaries of the Conference collection. These recipients represent causes that are close to our hearts. This year we are so pleased to support charities important to our youth and young adults:

The Dawning Future – CUC Youth and Young Adult Subsidy and the

Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources.

Ways to donate to the CUC.

Remember that the next CUC National Conference will be in 2023 – probably in Halifax and virtually.