Author: C Malcolm

UCV Statement of Solidarity with the Mi’kmaq

In accordance with the commitment in our Territorial Acknowledgement to shifting the colonial default, the Board has ratified Tamiko Suzuki’s eloquent letter to the Prime Minister voicing UCV’s pledge of solidarity with the  Mi’kmaq fishers in Nova Scotia fighting for their treaty rights and urging the Federal government to actively support these rights. The letter also denounces both the racist violence by non-Indigenous rioters and the hands-off stance of the RCMP.

UCV Statement of Solidarity with the Mi’kmaq:

The Unitarian Church of Vancouver pledges solidarity with the  Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, who are fighting for their treaty protected right to catch and sell fish for a moderate livelihood. This right was written in the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1760/61, and reaffirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada with the Marshall decision in 1999. We urge the Federal Government to actively support this treaty right.

We denounce both the racist violence  by non-Indigenous rioters and the hands-off stance of the RCMP. We strongly urge the RCMP to protect Mi’kmaq communities from any further mob violence or personal threats. 

Reassessing Canadian Foreign Policy

Reassessing Canadian Foreign Policy

Our UCV Board approved a motion that Vancouver Unitarians become a signatory to a national campaign calling for a fundamental reassessment of Canadian foreign policy. Our federal government is widely criticized for it’s continuing support for controversial mining companies, indifference to International treaties, anti-Palestinian positions, climate policies and militarism. And, this may be why Canada lost two consecutive efforts to gain a seat on the UN Security Council. Big thanks to the Environment Team for bringing this motion to the Board.
Here is a link to the campaign where you may sign on as an individual. And here is more information about the campaign for endorsers.

Sign your name to support this campaign:

Endorser Guide:

Starting Point: Small Circle Ministries

Starting this October, UCV is excited to be launching into weekly
online Starting Point small circle ministries.

We’ll follow along with the themes and stories Rev. Cowtan will be
using in her weekly sermons and bring new life to both UU theology and
history. This is a great chance to reintroduce yourself to your fellow
UU members. All members & visitors are welcome!

Weekly sessions will begin in the first week of October. Please use the form below to let us know if you’d like to join!

Staff Announcement from HR Committee

Aurora Eyolsfson, who has been the UCV Church Administrator for the past 3 years, has left our employment. During her time with us, Aurora brought to light how little UCV has been charging for rent of our spaces compared to both other churches and the going market rental rates. She also took care of finding a much better provider for our extended health benefits in terms of price and services. She advocated for fair pay for both caretakers and RE childcare and teachers.

We are grateful to Aurora for her time and service with UCV, and wish her all the best for her future. The Transition Team is working with the staff and leadership to review the various roles and structures of UCV’s ongoing staffing needs to plan for the future. In the short term, we ask for the patience and support of members as changes in our office may impact response time for administrative requests. We are blessed with amazing and motivated staff.

Children and Youth RE Fall Update

Our Youth are very busy this year, many of you will have heard directly from them this past Sunday. This amazing, resilient, group of young people continue to meet for two hours each Sunday and run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign on Wednesday nights.

Children and Youth RE Fall Update

by Kiersten E. Moore


In the Interim – September Update from Rev. Lara Cowtan

I have been in Vancouver since the beginning of August, settling in as UCV’s Interim Minister for the next two years. What a beautiful city! Aside from exploring and unpacking, my weeks have been filled with online meetings with UCV members, leaders, staff and committees. It has been a real privilege hearing your stories, and I hope to meet many more of you in the coming weeks and months. It is an honour to serve people who so clearly love and are dedicated to this community.

Following the retirement of Rev. Dr. Steven Epperson, who served UCV so well for 19 years, this time of transition, is an opportunity to:

  •  Reflect reflect on the past, claiming and honoring all that has shaped UCV
  • Illuminate UCV’s unique identity, its strengths, needs and challenges
  • Clarify the multiple dimensions of leadership needed for UCV to thrive
  • Renewing and connecting with relationships and resources in the wider community
  • Preparing to engage in a new future with renewed vision, stewardship and commitment.

These are the goals of the Transitions Team, who will be working alongside me during this exciting and challenging time.

Together we will continue the great work of this congregation and explore new opportunities to create meaningful connections.  Please reach out and introduce yourself to me, I am looking forward to our time together.

In Faith,

Rev. Lara Cowtan

A Garden Party to Welcome Rev. Lara

The UCV Board hosted a Welcome to UCV Garden Party for Rev Lara Cowtan on Saturday Aug. 8th. Attendance was limited due to Covid-19 precautions, however, a splendid time was had by all, and the weather cooperated just in time!

Oak Street Parking Lot Entrance Closed

CLOSURE OF OAK STREET PARKING LOT ENTRANCE. For safety reasons, the Oak Street entrance to the UCV Parking lot will be closed indefinitely, starting August 15th. The Fremlin Street entrance will be the main access to the parking lot.

Report from Harry Potter Camp 2020

The Hogwarts Camp was a great success this year. We asked participants to let us know what their favorite parts were and how they enjoyed it so it could be shared with the whole congregation! Below is a detailed account of the fun from one of the members. If you are interested in helping volunteer with Youth programming, please check out the CYRE volunteer information page.

I think that this was my favourite Harry Potter camp yet. My favourite parts were the Quidditch matches. I was the commentator for Quidditch, which was fun. My brother enjoyed it too, especially how the leaders let the kids choose some of their own activities. We had two groups, Dumbledore’s Army Creators, and Dumbledore’s Army Explorers. We created a newspaper called the Daily Prophet (I was a reporter!) and also a movie, which is being edited right now. There were lots of familiar kids and also a few new ones. The leaders were kind and funny and energetic. I had a great time 🙂

– Benjamin Malcolm, daily prophet chief reporter, age 9