Chalice Choir:  FAQ’s

Who We Are

We are people who love to sing.  Some of us are learning to read music, some of us have advanced music degrees.  What we share is the joy of making music together and a willingness to work hard to make our music as beautiful as possible.


Rehearsals:  Thursdays 7:15 – 9:15ish and the Sunday mornings we sing 10:15 (sometimes at 9:45 if we need extra practice for a concert)

Sundays:  twice per month, scheduled according to the service themes

Concerts twice a year, December and April/May.  Every second year, our spring concert is a cabaret.

Special events as they come up, for example, special church celebrations, memorial services.


Our repertoire is quite varied.  Our formal concerts usually feature a major work, like Faure’s Requiem or Vivaldi’s Gloria.  Our Sunday pieces reflect the theme of the service and the style varies.

How do I join?

Contact Donna Brown (director) at  There are no formal auditions but you may be asked to sing a little (privately) to find out your range.  If you don’t read music, it may be useful to record rehearsals on your phone. (Just make sure the ringer is turned off!)