Category: Eco‑Spirituality

UU Wellspring–spiritual deepening for the UU soul

A group of twelve Vancouver Unitarian members and friends, new and old, formed our first UU Wellspring small group last year. It was a deep, transforming experience for many of us. We are forming new cohorts this fall with the intent to spread the joy of deep personal connection, search for meaning, and spiritual practice development.

Participants in UU Wellspring find spiritual transformation as they explore the historical and theological roots of Unitarian Universalism, reflect on their own spiritual understandings, and engage in spiritual practice. Participants often form deep and lasting connections with one another.

We are including an eight-session, less homework intense, program for young adults and a six-session program to launch the UU Wellspring Reads: Sacred Earth program, a series of sessions designed around the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, combined with the book The Sustainable Soul by Rebecca James Hecking, and additional readings and videos.

The five spokes of UU Wellspring small groups

  • Deep listening in a small group
  • Daily spiritual practice
  • Spiritual companionship
  • Deeper understanding of Unitarian and UU history and theology
  • Living your convictions

Sources: First Year UU Wellspring Program

UU Wellspring Sources is a unique 10-month small group program offered in a multi-platform setting. The twice a month, 2-hour sessions offer participants an opportunity for spiritual deepening that leads to more joyful living, increased confidence in Unitarian identity, and faithful justice making in their lives and in their communities.

Sources begins with a start-up retreat on October 5, 6-9 pm and meets 2 times a month October through the middle of June.

Wellspring Reads: Sacred Earth

person sitting alone on a large stone at the edge of a pool of water in the forest

Sacred Earth is the first program in “UU Wellspring Reads,” six-session programs that provide foundational experience that are dear to Unitarian Universalists’ hearts. Sacred Earth combines the wisdom of Indigenous understandings of reciprocity with the sacred earth, and with spiritual practices that connect our spirit to nature. The experiences, reflections and discussions strive to engage participants deeply in the web of life and your Unitarian Universalist faith.

Our Sacred Earth offering is facilitated by UCV member Martha Saunders. Martha is a retired university lecturer in Religious Studies with a long-time interest in eco-spirituality.

UU Wellspring for Young Adults (UUW-YAH!)

poster of the Earth from outerspace and the caption "The wide, wide world of Spiritual Practices

Connecting to Inner Beliefs

UU Wellspring for Young Adults is designed for a cohort close in age, 18-29 or 25-35 for example. It is a chance to ask the big questions in life and reflect on what is deeply important to you. Each 60 to 90-minute session begins with a check in and sharing of spiritual practices. The session source is introduced and explored through videos, short readings and sharing.

Connecting to the Great Beyond

As Unitarians and UUs we don’t always talk about spirituality and UUW-YAH! Gives you a chance to wonder how our souls are connected to the great beyond as we explore our six Unitarian Universalist Sources.

Connecting to Peaceful Practices

You’ll have a chance to try out spiritual practices, which can simply be choosing an intention, such as gratitude, and thinking about it as you carry out an activity. For example, you might choose to attend a class, a daily task, or work with gratitude.

Join In

This 8-session series can be offered as either a fall or spring session meeting bi-weekly or October to May meeting monthly. Online or in-person.

  • Read the overview of UUW-YAH! here
  • Sign-up for your preferred meeting style at:
  • Email Kiersten with any questions:

Finding Our Story Within Eco‑Spirituality

Enviro Page  → Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings
Finding Our Story Within Eco‑Spirituality

Ecology and Spirituality
A Vision for Unitarianism and Unitarian Universalism
in the 21st Century

Presented by Rev Lara Cowtan
at the UUE Eco‑Spirituality Conference in Prague

September 15th, 2018
Čapek Hall, Anenská 5, Prague 1 (Old Town)

Photo of Rev Lara Cowtan

Rev Lara Cowtan

Cypresses in Starry Night, Reed Drawing by Vincent Van Gogh

Cypresses in Starry Night, Reed Drawing by Van Gogh

Our spiritual response to the environmental crisis can bring us to understand ourselves as part of the divine wholeness of the natural world, finding our self intertwined with the web of life in a way that enriches all life.

1. Old City of Prague

2. Neytiri and Jake’s Avatar

3. Robin Wall Kimmerer

4. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Photo: Nobert Capek

5. Norbert Čapek


Playlist: All My Relations

All My Relations, Religious Naturalism
and The Heart of a Faith for the
21st Century

UCV Podcasts

All My Relations


All My Relations
by Aline LaFlamme
April 17, 2019


Living Within the Interdependent Web
by Martha Saunders
August 4, 2019


Religious Naturalism
by Rev. Steven Epperson
March 24, 2019


Religious Naturalism: Take Two
by Rev. Steven Epperson
March 24, 2019

Speakers Bios

Aline Laflamme
Her name means the light (Aline) and the flame (LaFlamme.) She also carries the name Many Buffalo Running. Aline is a grandmother and Metis from Alberta. Among her many gifts she leads a drumming circle called Daughters of the Drum

Martha Saunders
joined UCV in the fall of 2018. She taught religious studies and women’s studies for many years at Concordia University, Montreal, and at the University of Toronto, specializing in religious and environmental ethics

Rev. Steven Epperson
was parish minister of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver for 19 years, retiring in 2020. Prior to entering professional ministry, Steven worked as a university professor in the history of religions, and as a museum curator

all my relations: photo of Aline Laflamme

Aline Laflamme

Martha Saunders

all my relations: photo of Reverend Doctor Steven Epperson

Rev Steven Epperson