Category: Governance

News and reports from the Board of Trustees, Board Committees and Task Forces.

January, 2021 – Imagining The Future For UCV

We are travelling the “road ahead”, our ministerial transition. We have made great progress on our first developmental/transition task, “Coming to terms with history”, and we continue to build our history wall. Please visit or revisit UCV Stories to discover our past and to add your own memories and stories.

We begin our second transition task this month – “Discovering a new identity”. The UUA’s Janus Workbook, created to support ministerial transitions, describes this second transition task as “Illuminating the congregation’s unique identity, its strengths, its needs, and its challenges”. Simply put, it is time to imagine the future we want to become, to stretch ourselves, to look into our crystal balls, and to use our imaginations to reshape our reality and transform UCV into the congregation we dream to be. Our imaginations are the magic that will get us there.

Our Soul Matters theme for January is “Imagination”, and Reverend Lara explains in her January 2021 In the Interim that we will explore imagination in various ways during this month. Unleashing our imaginations will help our Vancouver Unitarians world come alive – an exciting step in our “road ahead”!

from Transition Team, Rob Dainow, Chair


Note from the Board Chair – Jan 1, 2021

Dear Unitarian friends,

I hope you had a rejuvenating winter break. It is a new year, a fresh start, and a lot of exciting work lies ahead. I have two invitations for you to consider in the coming weeks which both further the mission and the vision of our church.

Because we as Unitarians are committed to creating a more inclusive, compassionate and equitable world, I am organizing a Decolonizing Practices Workshop for staff, board, and members that will be run by professional Indigenous consultants.

I would like us all to have the opportunity to get better informed on decolonizing our practices and how to diversify our organization’s membership and board to include more Indigenous people and persons of colour. We need to identify the barriers to our organization and to develop the solutions. This one-day workshop will also include a half-day on the history and ongoing colonization in Canada.

The Decolonizing Practices Workshop will be in early spring and hopefully live and in person. If Covid prevails, we will pursue an online format. If you are interested in this, please let me know so I have an idea of interest and numbers. If the numbers are high, I may have to organize two workshops.

Secondly, I would like to invite you all to an Ideas Forum for the Upgraded Sanctuary to generate ideas together for how the new space could be used and be more productive.

This Ideas Forum will be on Sunday Jan. 17th at 12:30 on zoom. Galen Elfert and Dianne Crosbie will be on hand to answer any questions about the lighting/sound upgrades and the new chairs.

The seed behind the Sanctuary Upgrades was planted by Steven, and furthered by a generous donor. Then we asked ourselves, could our beautiful Sanctuary become a cultural and spiritual destination, a hub for various performance and spiritual groups to meet, worship, rehearse, perform, share ideas?  In this way, could we attract a younger and more diverse demographic to our Church, boosting accessibility by allowing for more varied and inclusive styles of music/art/worship?

We as a congregation are welcoming and wish to diversify our membership. So let us be pro-active and create a space that is inviting to various creative interests, ages and spiritual practices. Let us not only create that space, let us intentionally seek out and invite communities into our space. Our new Membership and Outreach staff person will definitely help with the marketing and outreach end of things, but what else can we envision for this space and how can we fill it?

Come with your ideas and let’s imagine together! I look forward to seeing many of you there and sharing our thoughts.

Best wishes for the New Year,

Diane Brown, UCV Board President.

CUC Leaders Roundtables

4th Saturdays, monthly, 9 AM Pacific time

Report on the CUC Leaders Roundtable of 26 Sep 2020:

Seven UUs from Halifax, Huronia, Niagara, Lakehead, Calgary and Vancouver participated. We discussed space rental as a revenue source, rental rates, human resource consultants, staff reductions and expansions, zoom AGM procedures, zoom dinners, zoom charades, outside Hallowe’en costume parades, and a forthcoming (date TBA) CUC Webinar on Hybrid Services (some people in the sanctuary, others at home).




Next roundtables:

Saturday, October 31, 9:00 a.m. PT | 10:00 a.m. MT | 11 :00 a.m. CT | 12:00 p.m. ET | 1:00 p.m. AT

Saturday, November 28, 9:00 a.m. PT | 10:00 a.m. MT | 11 :00 a.m. CT | 12:00 p.m. ET | 1:00 p.m. AT

Congregational leaders from across Canada are invited to gather monthly to share ideas and insights with each other and CUC staff. Our conversations will explore different topics with the goal of supporting our congregations and each other as we navigate the post-pandemic world with resiliency and grace.

Online via Zoom:

For on-going national UU news, subscribe to the CUC News

CUC also hosts online events including regional gatherings, discussions, round tables and webinars. Find out about upcoming events and gatherings in the CUC events calendar.

UCV COVID-19 Go-Slowly-Forward Plan

Unitarian Church of Vancouver Coronavirus
(COVID-19) Policy


In this Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy, you’ll find our go-slowly-forward plan and all essential guidelines staff and congregants must follow for Summer 2020.
Until Further Notice: Entry into any UCV building is strictly prohibited, without first advising the UCV Office, and signing in.

Policy brief & purpose

Our UCV policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. Please follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe space and to ensure the health and well-being of our broader community. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. 

The UCV coronavirus (COVID-19) policy is subject to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines or new outbreak concerns. If changes are made, we will update the public and congregation by posting updates to as well as sending a direct update via email. To ensure you are receiving all of our latest communication, please make sure you have signed up for the order of service email and the monthly e-bulletin. If you are unsure if you are signed up, or would like to update your contact information, please email


This coronavirus policy applies to all staff and long-term renters of UCV who physically work in our offices, as well as congregants, members and friends who may visit the space or wish to rent rooms for social activities. 

Measures We Have Taken

Over the past few months, we have taken the following protective measures at UCV:

  • Moved all Sunday Worship Services online at to reduce the risk of outbreaks.
  • Closed all buildings to members and the public with only essential access for staff and the worship service live-streaming team. Grounds have remained open with physical distancing in effect.
  • Moved to Zoom-based fellowships, community events and religious exploration.
  • Supported staff to make safe choices about when/how to be onsite or to work from home.
  • Implemented a disinfecting and cleaning protocol to ensure regular sanitization onsite. 


UCV Go-Slowly-Forward Plan

The Covid-19 Response Team at UCV is made up of the minister, board members, administrative staff, and representatives from Buildings and Grounds, Religious Exploration, and Communications. Together we have weighed and reviewed the public health policy contained within the BC Restart Plan, the CDC Guidance for Faith-Based Organizations, and the Worksafe BC Safety Plan Development Guide. 

We recognize the importance of our community experience, as well as our need as human beings to gather together and make contact face to face. We also respect and uphold the incredible and diligent work of our public health leaders, scientists, and frontline workers who have been at the forefront of protecting our needs and safety. 

With these perspectives in mind, we have established small steps towards re-opening our church, which will ensure our ability to keep up with the latest information, adjust our protocols as necessary, and respond with care and diligence if concerns arise. 

We have developed this policy to address the immediate future only. This document is in effect for Sept-Dec 2020. We are actively monitoring updates from the province and will continue to update our policy as we know more. 

June 2020

We made a firm decision to keep UCV’s buildings closed to the public for all of June 2020. Worship service live-streaming crew, limited staff and caretakers have had essential access only. Worship services continue to be online-only. 

July and August 2020

We began to allow room bookings for Hewett Hall (main space only). Available time-slots were allocated to groups with priority given first to congregants and members of UCV. External rentals were considered but none were organized. Worship services remained online-only for the entire duration of the summer.

September 2020

Fall 2020 changes to the COVID-19 policy include:

  • Increased capacity for Hewett Centre – Main Hall Now available for rentals up to 15 guests for a duration of 2 hours.
  • Sanctuary now available for rentals up to 30 people (25 guests, 5 staff) for a duration of 2 hours. (Please note: Each singer is required to be 15 feet away from any other person. As such, group singing is not permitted in indoor spaces due to increased droplet spread) 
  • Available Rooms – The only rooms available for rentals are Hewett Center – Main Hall and the Sanctuary, all others remain closed through December 2020. 
  • Mask are now mandatory for indoor activities – Through December 2020, masks are mandatory in all indoors spaces at UCV
  • Services continue to be online only We will continue our live-streaming of worship services through December 2020.

General Policies

  • If you have any symptoms of illness, even minor ones, please do not visit the UCV buildings and grounds. 
  • If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases (based on CDC announcements), or if you have recently come into contact with someone with COVID-19, please follow the public health guidelines for the standard 14-day self-quarantine.
  • If you normally commute to UCV by public transportation and do not have other alternatives, please consider staying home, and organizing an online event instead. 
  • If you are considered part of a high-risk group, please consider staying home and organizing online events instead. 
  • We ask that all visitors to UCV follow the advice for general hygiene while on campus: 

General Hygiene 

  • Practice physical distancing. Please stay at least 6 feet apart from others.
  • Wash your hands if you touch high-touch areas, if you touch your face or adjust your mask, after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands (follow the 20-second hand-washing rule). You can also use the sanitizers you’ll find all around UCV.
  • Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
  • Open the windows regularly to ensure open ventilation. 
  • Avoid touching your face to prevent infection.
  • Masks are mandatory for all indoor activities


UCV Room Bookings (September – December 2020)

The only rooms available for booking in September – December 2020 will be the Hewett Centre – Main Hall and the Sanctuary.

All gatherings must be booked ahead of time through Marcus Hynes by emailing

Please note: The Kitchen, Fireside, Lindsey/Priestley, Library, Biddle, Childcare, and Hitchmanova all remain completely closed to both members and the public. Please do not ask caretakers to allow you into these areas. There will be no exceptions. Use of the UCV outdoor grounds, labyrinths and gardens are permitted, with physical distancing in effect. 

Hewett Hall Main Area Booking Policies

  • Events in the Hewett Hall main space may have maximum of 15 guests. 
  • Unscheduled meetings will not be allowed. 
    • If an unscheduled meeting occurs, caretakers will kindly ask the group to leave and will provide them with the contact information for making a proper booking. Time slots must be booked through the office at
  • There are three options for the room set-up:
    • Empty (no tables, no chairs), with floor markings showing appropriate distancing.
    • Tables and stackable chairs (e.g. 10 round tables) set at appropriate distancing.
    • To ensure proper cleaning, the cushioned chairs from fireside will no longer be available
  • There will be absolutely no access to the kitchen or any coffee, tea, food service amenities.
  • Washrooms will be one-at-a-time to allow for safe physical distancing around sinks and stalls.
  • Time slots will be limited to 2-hour blocks. People may book more than one 2-hour block, but must leave the space after each block to allow for cleaning protocols to be carried out. We strongly encourage booking only one time slot for your event to limit the potential for exposure.
  • A caretaker must be present for all gatherings.
  • Masks are mandatory during indoor activities.
  • Caretakers will be responsible for: 
    • Event check-in, and ensuring that visitors have signed the Logbook for contact tracing (only if groups are unable to do this themselves).
    • Monitoring for COVID-19 protocols (physical distancing, availability of hand sanitizer, trash disposal, soap and cleaning supplies).
    • Enforcing protocols as outlined in this document.
    • Politely requesting guests to leave if they arrive showing symptoms of illness.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing prior to an event, and resetting the space (surfaces, door handles, washrooms, equipment etc.) in between each rental. No visitors will be allowed in the space while this is happening.
    • Turn on fans and ensure windows and doors remain open for the duration of the rental
  • The Hewett Centre – Main Space will not be available for booking at the same time as the Sanctuary
  • All windows and doors must remain open during the duration of the rental to encourage ventilation and air flow
  • If singing is the desired activity, each singer is required to be 15 feet away from any other person. As such, group singing is not permitted in indoor spaces due to increased droplet spread

Sanctuary Booking Policies

  • Events in the Sanctuary may have maximum of 30 people (25 guests and 5 staff)
  •  Unscheduled meetings will not be allowed. 
    • If an unscheduled meeting occurs, caretakers will kindly ask the group to leave and will provide them with the contact information for making a proper booking. Time slots must be booked through the office at
  • Events seating will be marked out for proper social distancing
  • There will be absolutely no access to the kitchen or any coffee, tea, food service amenities.
  • Washrooms are located in the Hewett Centre – Main Space and will be one-at-a-time to allow for safe physical distancing around sinks and stalls.
  • Time slots will be limited to 2-hour blocks. People may book more than one 2-hour block, but must leave the space after each block to allow for cleaning protocols to be carried out. We strongly encourage booking only one time slot for your event to limit the potential for exposure.
  • A caretaker must be present for all gatherings.
  • Masks are mandatory during indoor activities.
  • Caretakers will be responsible for: 
    • Event check-in, and ensuring that visitors have signed the Logbook for contact tracing (only if groups are unable to do this themselves).
    • Monitoring for COVID-19 protocols (physical distancing, availability of hand sanitizer, trash disposal, soap and cleaning supplies).
    • Enforcing protocols as outlined in this document.
    • Politely requesting guests to leave if they arrive showing symptoms of illness.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing prior to an event, and resetting the space (surfaces, door handles, washrooms, equipment etc.) in between each rental. No visitors will be allowed in the space while this is happening.
    • Turn on fans and ensure windows and doors remain open for the duration of the rental
  • The Sanctuary will not be available for booking at the same time as the Hewett Centre – Main Space
  • All windows and doors must remain open during the duration of the rental to encourage ventilation and air flow
  • If singing is the desired activity, each singer is required to be 15 feet away from any other person. As such, group singing is not permitted in indoor spaces due to increased droplet spread
  • The choir loft is off limits to guests and remains a staff only area.

Employee Reopening Safety Plan 


  • Masks and gloves are available for staff.
  • Staff must wear masks when disinfecting indoor common areas
  • If gloves are worn they need to be washed with the same frequency as hands.
  • Do not reuse disposable gloves.
  • Staff should use the proper technique to remove gloves so the contaminated side ends up inside.
  • Masks and gloves are located in the Janitors’ Closet, and in the Mail Room. Additional masks and gloves are in the crawlspace in the Admin building.
  • Caretakers should wash the clothes worn during their shift if they have come in contact with numerous people.


  • Maximum capacity signs will be placed at the entrance of each room.
  • Social distancing reminder signs will be posted at the entrance of each room and additional reminders inside each room.
  • Reminders to those experiencing symptoms have been posted at all building entrances.
  • Traffic flow signs will be taped on the floor, to avoid congestion at entrances. In the UCV office, there will be standing area signs to avoid congestion and encourage social distancing in the reception area.
  • Sanitizing signs “last sanitized by name, date, time” will be filled out after each sanitizing with a wipeable marker on a laminated sheet. For each room. In addition to this a sheet will be initialed for all spaces that have been sanitized during the shift, and how many times it was completed
  • Handwashing signs will be posted in washrooms, and at the photocopier.
  • Washrooms will be clearly marked as one person at a time with floor markings denoting the line up distances.

Cleaning Protocol

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at each entrance to be used prior to entry.
  • When groups have booked a meeting, the caretaker on-duty will sanitize all entry points, washrooms, and common areas in each room/building a minimum of 2x or every 2 hours.

Contact Tracing

  • Entrance logs will be placed directly upon entry in each UCV building. Contact is compulsory for every individual entering a UCV building, regardless of the reason.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at this station as well as sanitized pens
  • If employees begin to experience symptoms prior or during a shift, please advise a supervisor and immediately put on a mask. In the event of illness, emergency cab fare will be provided.
  • Supervisors will arrange immediate coverage for the employee who has taken ill..
  • Always call 911 for emergency.

Non-medical information about COVID-19 is available 7:30am-8pm, 7 days
a week at 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319).

CUC May 2020 National Conference & AGM Highlights

Featured image – Susanne Maziarz, Music Director at Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Toronto; co-leader with Rev Wayne Walder of a cross-Canada ceremony of remembrance, We are together, at the national gathering on 17 May 2020.

*12 more photos at the end of this post!

CUC eNews Coverage here.

CUC May 2020 National Conference Highlights

  • Video of the CUC Cross Canada Sunday Service One Storm, Many Ships
    (edited video, 90 minutes). The wonderful story for children of all ages read by Kiersten Moore has been deleted from the saved video pending copyright approvals from Disney.
  • CUC 2019 Annual Report (pdf document, 56 pages)
    The annual report is full of information about CUC’s work and how you might participate. It’s very worthwhile reading!
  • Attendance at 4 meetings via Zoom & YouTube: 150, 170, 200, 1,000
    (Numbers are approximate because more than one person may have been on one connection and some people had more than one connection!) Details of events follow.
  • If you’re interested in participating in these events in the future, contact the UCV UU Connections Committee – currently Keith Wilkinson, Lynn Armstrong, Kiersten Moore, & Emilie Adin. Text or phone Keith at 604-838-5643 or Lynn at 778-835-2546 or watch for a newly updated UCV Directory of Small Groups, Committees, and Teams, anticipated soon!

Plenary sessionThurs 14 May 2020, 150 participants; informal discussion of the resolutions being presented at the Sat AGM.

Gathering CeremonyFri, 15 May 2020, 170 participants, virtual banner parade with photos sent from many congregations across Canada, with music added, assembled by Amber Bellemare in Montreal.

Cross Canada Service – Sun, 17 May 2020, 1,000 participants, four ministers, many musicians and singers
Video available on CUC’s YouTube channel.

Annual General MeetingSat, 16 May 2020, 200 participants (97 delegates, 100 observers, 45 congregations)
See the CUC Annual Report for details.

  • Reviewed CUC’s expected investment performance with the investments manager;
    (investments at the end of Dec 2019 were valued at $6.1 million);
  • Approved an operating budget of $812,000 (compare this to UCV at $600,000);
  • Approved changes in procedures for electing board members;
  • Elected new board members;
  • Approved 2020-21 goals and strategic priorities;
  • Responded to questions about the International Council of Unitarians and Univeralists (ICUU) conference still scheduled for Montreal in October 2020;
  • Received reports regarding a few of the many initiatives outlined in the Annual Report:
    • Youth and Young Adults (Annual Report, pp 23-26)
      plus CazUUm – CUC youth zoom conference (34 participants)
    • Truth Healing and Reconciliation Initiative (Annual Report, pp 29-31)
    • Social Justice Action (Annual Report, pp 26-28)
    • Dismantling Racism (Annual Report, p 35)
    • Polyamory Task Force (Annual Report, pp 36-55 – the full 19-page report from the task force on this complex subject, including recommendations for the CUC.)
  • Celebration of special awards:
    • Sharing our Faith Awards – Awards to support emerging programs in several congregations (Durham, Mississauga, Edmonton)
    • Northern Lights Award – support for a major initiative, this year for Northwest Toronto Co-housing Project (involving Unitarian fellowship of Northwest Toronto)
    • Shining Lights Award – for new innovative programs (see CUC website for details)
    • Theological Education Fund Award – Co-sponsored by CUC and UUMOC (UU Ministers of Canada) for support of ministerial students (grants made to two ministerial students ths year)
    • Knight Award – Awarded to Rev Frances Deverell for dedicated service on social justice issues including work with the Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice CUSJ
    • See the above links or email the CUC office for more details about any of the CUC award programs.


Some screen shots from the CUC Canada-wide Virtual Service, Sun 17 May 2020  

(Google the congregational web sites for more images and information!)

Sunday Service Leaders:

Rev Norm Horofker, Halifax Universalist Unitarians

Rev Karen Fraser Gitlitz, Saskatoon Unitarians

Rev Meghann Robern, Winnipeg Unitarian Universalists

Rev Wayne Walder, Neighbourhood Unitarian Fellowship, Toronto

Rev Samaya Oakley, South Fraser Unitarians, Surrey BC

Spoken Word

Taz Trefzger, Hamilton Unitarians & 2020 CazUUm Co-Dean

Carter Mahoney, Peterborough Unitarians, Young Adults Ensemble

Wonderful singers and musicians from across the country

Halifax, Peterborough, Toronto, Vancouver…

James Morris (guitar), Halifax, playing Making Waves, composed for the occasion.

Peterborough Unitarians – Spirit of Life (Mark, Julie, Katherine, Stephira, Ben, Linda)

Vancouver Unitarians Elliott and Edgar playing work by Cape Breton’s Allistair MacGillivray

James Hill teaching us the ukulele “peace chord”.

Vancouver Unitarians Choir Leads: Beth, Erin, Bryan, Gavin
leading Canadian Unitarians in Blue Boat Home.


Four National CUC Online Gatherings – Victoria Day Weekend

Thursday, May 14: Informal Plenary

3:30 pm PDT | 4:30 pm MDT | 5:30 pm CDT | 6:30 pm EDT | 7:30 pm ADT  – 1.5 hours
Prior to the AGM on May 16, the CUC Board invites you to an informal dialogue amongst congregational delegates, leaders, board members, and CUC staff to discuss issues of importance to congregations, in support of the CUC’s vision, goals, and strategic priorities.
Register in advance at to join the plenary.


Friday, May 15: National Gathering
3:30 pm PDT | 4:30 pm MDT | 5:30 pm CDT | 6:30 pm EDT | 7:30 pm ADT  – 1.5 hours
We will gather across the country, virtually, on the Friday of what was to have been the start of the National Conference. Come, we will join together to celebrate our connections and our faith. All welcome!

Register in advance at to join the gathering.

All are welcome.

Saturday, May 16: 2020 Annual General Meeting

9:00am – 12:30pm PDT | 10:00am – 1:30 pm MDT |  11:00am – 2:30pm CDT | 12:00pm – 3:30pm EDT |1:00p.m. – 4:30 pm ADT

WHERE: Online via Zoom. All members of CUC member congregations and fellowships can participate but only registered delegates can vote.

Register in advance at to attend the meeting.


Sunday, May 17: Cross-Canada Sunday Service – Live Online
9:30 am PDT | 10:30 am MDT | 11:30 am CDT | 12:30 pm EDT | 1:30 pm ADT | 2:00 pm NL
Join UUs from across Canada for a unique opportunity to celebrate in a national Sunday Service together. Rev. Norm Horofker from the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax, with his ministerial colleagues, will lead a worship service for Canadians across the country and worldwide. Let’s come together virtually to celebrate our national connection and our national conference. Join us on Zoom or watch on the CUC’s YouTube channel. We welcome you, wherever you are. Register in advance at to join the service.


Staff Appreciation Dinner


This year’s Staff Appreciation Dinner hosted by UCV’s Board of Trustees was a lovely evening. The tables in the Fireside Room groaned with an impressive variety of good food, trustees and staff happily sought out at least two people they had never spoken to before, a few people managed to get a quiet bit of business done on the side, and the clean up team was both cheerful and efficient. Congratulations to Sheila Resels for her hard work on organizing the evening.

Delegates for the CUC National Conference Online

(Updated 5 May 2020) UCV has named its 8 delegates to represent Vancouver Unitarians at the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16 May 2020. They are Galen Elfert, Hanno Pinder, Jennifer Fell, Keith Wilkinson, Kiersten Moore, Lynn Armstrong, Olivia Hall and Rev Steven Epperson.  Delegates were to attend in person in Halifax, NS, or from elsewhere via zoom but with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all will now be attending from their homes. All UCV members and friends are welcome to attend the online zoom AGM but only official delegates are eligible to speak at the meeting and to vote.  Vancouver’s delegates were approved by the UCV Board and used zoom orientation sessions to learn how to use the zoom polling feature for voting with instant national results! They also received reading packages to become informed about proposed CUC strategic initiatives, budgets, and a proposed technical change in the bylaws to improve continuity in board work.

CUC AGM details here.

The UCV Connections pages includes additional postings about UCV’s global connections.

The following pages are older posts related to National events.

What’s in a Name?

On January 19th the What Do We Call Ourselves? (WDWCO?) Task Force led a Discussion Circle Forum in the Fireside Room. 44 congregants attended.

They were invited to address the questions:  Do you want to change the name – The Unitarian Church of Vancouver? If yes, to what?  If no, reasons for not wanting to change the name.

Rev. Steven Epperson, who attended, later commented that participants were respectful and thoughtful.  Which is just the way we Unitarians are as we contemplate our past identity and consider our future one.

UCV Directory of Small Groups and Committees

UCV Directory of Small Groups and Committees

Wanting to get involved with a group but not sure what’s available?  Our newly updated Directory will help you navigate our complex Unitarian community. You can find hard copies on the Welcome Tables or in the office.

If you’d like an electronic version, please contact Sheila at