Category: Families

Articles of interest to current and prospective families e.g. Hogwarts summer camp, Mystery pal program, changes to Messy Church, First Sundays etc.

Parents invited to Our Whole Lives Orientation

Our Whole Lives sexuality education for ages 9 and 10

The first workshop is this Sunday, January 14th, at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver.  We have six children registered. I invite any curious, interested, or concerned parents of a child nearing or beginning puberty to attend our Parent and Child Orientation this Saturday, January 13th, from 1:00-3:30 pm in the Fireside Room of Hewett Hall.  If you may consider registering your child for the program I encourage you to have them attend the Child Orientation portion as well.The orientation is required for participation in the course. Childcare is provided for siblings.

Why attend?

The Parent Workshop addresses questions, concerns, and tools for talking to our children about sexuality in an age-appropriate way. We have parent resources and suggestions for learning more; we identify what messages we want our children to receive about sexuality, and what we value about our own sexuality education. We discuss what we want to do differently for our children.

The Child Workshop is about the kids getting to know each other, creating art about their family, orienting them to the anonymous questions box, and creating Group Agreements.

Together we will go over an overview of the Our Whole Lives curriculum and what topics will specifically be covered.

Attending this Orientation in no way obligates you to enroll your child, but the orientation is required in order to register. This can be a wonderful way to help you feel more comfortable in your role as your child’s primary sexuality educator. You will also have the opportunity to purchase the Parent’s Guide to Our Whole Lives for this age group, which gives you more ideas and resources for discussions and education at home.

More information is on our website and at the Unitarian Universalist Association website.

Here is our Online registration which lists the dates and time of the workshops—2 Sundays a month January—May.

Please RSVP to Kiersten Moore if you plan to join us on Saturday.

Mini Adult OWL Workshop

Delicious. Intriguing. Satisfying.

This is Better than Chocolate!

(And it’s only for Adults.)

When was the last time you had a thoughtful and fun conversation about sexuality? Remember your high school sex education? Ugh! Society is highly sexualized today and yet people don’t REALLY understand sexuality and this robs them of deeper fulfillment. Our UU values, through the Our Whole Lives program (OWL), give us a unique opportunity to take a holistic look at sexuality so that we can enhance self-knowledge, clarify our values and understand our boundaries. This workshop also helps participants:

  • guide their kids/grandkids towards healthy sexual relationships,
  • increase physical and mental well-being as you age, and
  • have greater confidence to positively impact societal issues in this area.

No, you won’t have to talk about your sex life, nor hear about mine! Join a safe, non-judgmental group for exploration where you will learn as much from the other participants as you will from the facilitators.

Introductory session: Friday February 2, 2018 7:00 to 9:30 PM.

One day Mini Adult OWL Workshop: Saturday February 17, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Facilitators: Margaret Smith & Rev Samaya Oakley

Sign up: contact Margaret Smith 1-306-220-9668 by January 28th.



Unitarian Advent Calendar

Traditions and Events for December

One of the creators of the Spirit Play program created a Unitarian Advent Calendar. Could we add Canadian Unitairian significant dates and people?



Most of the graphics have historical events and figures from U.S. connections. I chose these two to put here as they’re related to holidays and traditions that we celebrate at our congregation.


Here’s a youtube video of Malvina Reynold’s song Eight Candles.

Here’s more about Malvina Reynolds noting her Jewish background.

Resources Recommended by Harvard Square Library

Reynolds, Malvina and Emmy Lou Packard. The Malvina Reynolds SongbookBerkeley: Schroeder Music Company, 1974.


Here’s a song called “Quiet” by Reynolds.

Woven Together – Register Now

Woven Together Register Now

The children’s Religious Exploration Team at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver is preparing to lead “Woven Together”, the Canadian Unitarian Council’s Upper Elementary 8 Session Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Reflection Guide. This guide is designed to be used for children in Grades 4-6/ages 9-12 and uses resources that provide age-appropriate Indigenous ways of knowing.
The dates of the Truth and Healing series are:
  • October 1, 15, and 22, November 5, 19, and 26 and December 3 (at 9:30 am), and 10.
Because of the complexity of this work it is important that all participants make a commitment to attending the series as each session builds upon the previous ones. Unforeseen events arise, but we should begin together with the goal to see it all the way through. The series will be held by trained facilitators during our regular 11 am Sunday services and RE class time at the church: 949 West 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC

Seeking Innovative SpiritJam Teachers

UCV Job Opportunity

SpiritJam Lead Teacher

Part-time Teacher (4 hours per week); $17.00/hr. plus 20 additional paid flex hours; 10 mos./year; Reports to the Director of Religious Exploration; Start date:September 1, 2017 or as soon after as possible. (more…)

Religious Education Volunteers

Religious Education

The Director of Religious Education sets the overall direction of our Children’s and Youth Religious Education programs along with the support of the Youth Advisors, the Children’s and Youth Religious Education Advisory Group and the Parish Minister, any of whom would be happy to discuss our program in more detail with you. Parents and other interested adults assist the program by volunteering to lead classes, direct pageants, make lunches, fund-raise, maintain and improve spaces and resources and much more. The program is offered free of charge, with costs supported by the pledges and financial support of the entire congregation, with some additional fundraising, and targeted donations.

Director’s Children’s and Youth Religious Education Management Committee

This committee meets regularly to support the administrative and human resources needs of the CYRE programs. This committee, also known as the Director of RE Management Committee (DREMC) serves as the CYRE liaison to the UCV Board of Trustees.

Children’s and Youth Religious Education Advisory Group

This group meets monthly on issues related to the operation of our children’s Sunday school program and our youth group program. These issues include curricula, special event planning, communication with parents and congregation, safety and special needs issues, budget planning, priority/goal setting, fundraising and much more. To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Education at or 604.261.7204.

Our Whole Lives Committee

This committee meets quarterly to discuss the coordination of lifespan offerings and trainings for our Our Whole Lives sexuality education program. OWL is offered for ages Kindergarten-grade 1, grades 4 to 6, grades 7 to 9, grades 10 to 12, young adult (18 to 35) and adult (also begins at 18 – and up).  To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Education at or 604.261.7204.

Adult Religious Education Committee

This committee meets as required to discuss and plan for our twice yearly offerings of religious education programs. Look for brochures coming out in August/September and December/January. Contact the church office to get involved.

Summertime and Children’s Program

June 25 is the last day for the planned Children’s program until September 17.
Note: child care continues over summer. Some small group activities may be planned by parents and RE teachers.

Regional Connections – Sing for Joy! Music Workshop

Presenter: Patti Powell
Date: Sat. June 3 10 – 3:30 pm
Location: Workshop at Unitarian Family Camp Sasamat Outdoor Centre, Port Moody

Singing together is so much fun! If you’ve never tried it, it’s time. If you’re a seasoned singer, you will love the lively, interactive and joyful atmosphere for learning great songs from gospel to rounds, to fun interlocking song mashups! Patti leads four community choirs and works with Brian Tate and the City Soul Choir. Workshop with lunch: $67 (includes option to canoe/kayak 3:30 – 5:00 pm).

More info on weekend camp:

