Tag: website

Website Training: How Did It Go?

How did it go? Well. It went well. The class on February 23 was the first in the series described in Carolyn Grant’s Website Training post. And it went well.

Kudos to RevealMax instructor Luke Zukowski, pictured, ably assisted by UCV volunteers Galen Elfert and John Henderson. The class progressed in a single session to the point where we each can create a post like this one, a news post – to use the term Mary Bennett suggests in the UCV Website Usage Guide.

The next class in the series is on March 16. The subject is how to create a post that describes what has yet to take place and so is termed an event. The embedded links in the Events List are to events.

Here is Mary Bennett on these terms:

When people ask me the difference between news post and event, I say simply: If it has a date, time, and a place, it’s an event.

Again, the February 23 class was on how to create a news post. This news post you are reading may change over the next several days to include feedback on the class from others who attended.

The workshop was well organized and clearly presented. I learned what I needed to create and edit news posts. Great and prompt attention to each person’s questions/needs. Thank you! —Rob (February 24)

It is great to have a group of people knowledgeable in WordPress, etc. Good questions and comments. —Randall (February 24)

I thought the teaching and backup were excellent. Thanks, I learned a lot! —Melody (February 25)

I thought the workshop was excellent. It was short and to the point. It gave me the facts that I needed. —MichaelFebruary 25)

The training was excellent. —Sheila L (February 28)

Our Website and Social Media: A Team Approach Through Training

“Excellent Sessions”

(Step One of a Planned Three-Year Initiative in Becoming More Computer Literate as a Congregation)

Luke Zukowski, Computers Made Easy

Yes, our first computer training series was well received.  Thanks to funding from the Robert Koerner fund, the Connect & Engage Team was able to provide training to 12 Unitarian volunteers. Luke Zukowski, technology consultant from RevealMax, facilitated four sessions in October/November at the Hewett Centre.

If you’d like to take a similar series,
please complete the survey here.

Our goal was to train more committee members to become proficient in the use of social media and, in particular, in navigating our website. Learning how to post articles and events would provide more up-to-date information of our numerous UCV activities. Having more folks acquire these skills will decrease the current demand on our very limited resources (namely, our staff and limited volunteers with advanced computer skills).
So, how did we do?  On the whole, the training went very well, as illustrated by feedback from some participants:
…thanks for the first social media workshop, Sheila. I thought Luke (the instructor) was very skilled and responsive to our circumstances.
Luke is amazing!
I thought it went very well apart from the technological hitch which usually occurs anyway!
Excellent session – pleasant and valuable.  Luke was knowledgeable and clear.
The instructor was on the whole very good and I definitely learned some valuable things.  The last two sessions though were too fast for a ‘real’ beginner… mixing levels was problematic. 
If you would like to access the information provided in these sessions, Luke has provided us with the following videos: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AuNdXk4Bx8U0gjIOQdZ3feihrBI2
Our success was due to the efforts of dedicated volunteers. Thank you to John Henderson who worked tirelessly in providing valuable background information to Luke and gave up three Saturday afternoons to help out during the sessions (and who is volunteering to do it again for Phase Two). To Galen Elfert who got us back on track after a technological glitch. To Cathy Sevcik who assisted participants.
We learned a lot from this first step toward enhancing the computer literacy of our hard-working volunteers. We are hoping to build on this success and offer a second year of training.  It  would include a more advanced wordpress series as well as a social media/instagram series.
Stay tuned for further news as we move toward Step Two.
If you’d like to take a similar series, please complete the survey here.

Website Background and Guide

UCV Website Background

The UCV website is built on WordPress which is a content management system. This allows UCV members to easily add and modify website content.

How to use the UCV Website

The Website Usage Guide can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_dNFDKDQcgrcsNl6L26LTrAc9YiO6XSe-PLIoqf9huE/edit?usp=sharing

Documentation on how to use the UCV website for posts, events, etc., can be found here. This includes instructional videos from both Galen and Luke Zukowski: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VjUioGXCrmCr8mK7hVkToGpcB3qdwJDW?usp=sharing