Tag: interbeing

Finding Our Story Within Eco‑Spirituality

Enviro Page  → Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings
Finding Our Story Within Eco‑Spirituality

Ecology and Spirituality
A Vision for Unitarianism and Unitarian Universalism
in the 21st Century

Presented by Rev Lara Cowtan
at the UUE Eco‑Spirituality Conference in Prague

September 15th, 2018
Čapek Hall, Anenská 5, Prague 1 (Old Town)

Photo of Rev Lara Cowtan

Rev Lara Cowtan

Cypresses in Starry Night, Reed Drawing by Vincent Van Gogh

Cypresses in Starry Night, Reed Drawing by Van Gogh

Our spiritual response to the environmental crisis can bring us to understand ourselves as part of the divine wholeness of the natural world, finding our self intertwined with the web of life in a way that enriches all life.

1. Old City of Prague

2. Neytiri and Jake’s Avatar

3. Robin Wall Kimmerer

4. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Photo: Nobert Capek

5. Norbert Čapek