Tag: First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto

Canadian UU Winter Highlights – 1 Dec 2018

CUC December eNewsThe CUC Enews is getting better and better, (19 pages in this issue!)

In January 2019 it will be coming out weekly, so be sure to subscribe! (See bottom of CUC Homepage.)

Ontario – selected UU winter/spring lineup…

Livestream on YouTube Most Sundays, 7:30 AM Pacific time, First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto complete worship service. [And afterwards you can attend a live service with a BC congregation!]

30th Annual Midwinter Retreat 1-3 Feb 2019 – “Connecting our Stories.” YMCA Cedar Glen Retreat Centre, Bolton, ON — in case you’re planning to be in the area.

Mindful Journey to Northern Vietnam and Angkor Wat – 15-27 March 2019. Led by Rev. Wayne Walder, Minister of Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Toronto.

First Light – First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto weekly newsletter. Subscribe!

Saskatoon Unitarians ?



North Shore?