Tag: covid

COVID-19 Safety Update

COVID-19 Update: March 8, 2023 

  • COVID is not over, and other contagious respiratory viruses continue to circulate. Please do not attend worship or other activities at UCV if you have symptoms or are feeling unwell.
  • We continue to strongly recommend masks be worn in indoor spaces. In the interests of inclusivity and the safety of the vulnerable members of our congregation, we will continue to provide hybrid worship services. A supply of N-95 masks will continue to be available at the greeters’ table in the Sanctuary foyer for anyone attending Sunday services.

COVID-19 Update: Feb. 1, 2023 

  • COVID is not over, and other contagious respiratory viruses continue to circulate. Please do not attend worship or other activities at UCV if you have symptoms or are feeling unwell.
  • We continue to strongly recommend that masks be worn in indoor spaces. The choir will continue to sing masked for the time being.

COVID-19 Update: Jan. 4, 2023 

  • COVID is not over, and other contagious respiratory viruses continue to circulate. Please to not attend worship or other activities at UCV if you have symptoms or are feeling unwell.
  • The UCV Covid Task Force continues to strongly recommends masking in indoor spaces including in the Sanctuary on Sundays, and the Choir is required to wear masks while singing.
  • Please continue to be conscientious around using hand sanitizer, and remember to respect the personal boundaries of others around shaking or holding hands at service.

COVID-19 Update: Nov. 2, 2022 

  • COVID is not over. The UCV Covid Task Force strongly recommends masking in indoor spaces including in the Sanctuary on Sundays, and the Choir is required to wear masks while singing.

COVID-19 Update: Sept. 7, 2022 

  • COVID is not over. The UCV Covid Task Force strongly recommends masking in indoor spaces including in the Sanctuary on Sundays, and the Choir is required to wear masks while singing.

COVID-19 Update: July 6, 2022 

  • COVID is not over. The UCV Covid Task Force met again, and recommends continuing the mask requirement for indoors spaces at UCV events – with an increase in signage including outside the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings.

COVID-19 Update: May 31, 2022 

  • The UCV Covid Task Force recommends continuing the mask requirement for indoors spaces at UCV events.

COVID-19 Update: April 6, 2022

  • The provincial vaccine passport program will end this coming Friday, April 8. UCV will no longer be checking vaccine passports as a requisite for entry to Sunday services.
  • It was recommended to leave at least an hour between different rentals/user groups in the Sanctuary to allow time for the air circulation system to complete several cycles.
  • Wearing of masks remains required when indoors at UCV events and spaces.

COVID-19 Update: March 3, 2022

  • We are welcoming in-person services back, and we do so with some advice and requirements. The advice is to check yourself and loved ones for COVID symptoms prior to attending ANY in person event.  If you are not feeling well, STAY HOME.
  • Vaccination protects against the severe form of the disease, but doesn’t entirely prevent transmission. Therefore, we are requiring proof of vaccination status, and wearing of masks when indoors on the UCV campus. Masks (minimum 3 layer, but N-95 even better) prevent contagious aerosols from getting into the air.
  • Assess your own risk tolerance.  We are maintaining the campus, but every one of us needs to maintain our own layers of protection.

COVID-19 Update: Feb. 2, 2022

  • The UCV Covid Task Force recommends that services and a modified coffee hour reopen in-person on Feb. 13.
  • A limited supply of N-95 masks has been ordered and will be made available for those participating in the service itself. We encourage congregation members attending to bring their own N-95 masks if possible, and we are looking into ordering additional supply so we can offer them to all attendees who wish to wear them.
  • Pre-registration is no longer required for Sunday services. In-person attendees are required to be vaccinated and mask wearing is required at all times indoors.
  • We will of course continue to offer multi-platform services at ucv.im/live

COVID-19 Update: Jan. 5, 2022

  • The UCV Covid Task Force recommends that services stay online until at least February 13, 2022.
  • Small groups should hold multiplatform or online only meetings, using our common sense to mitigate risk as much as possible including through the use of our new air filters in Hewett Hall and the Sanctuary.

COVID-19 Update: Services return to online only – Dec. 23, 2021

  • The UCV Covid Task Force recommends that we move to online services in an abundance of caution to protect the members of our community. Working with the Public Health Officer’s timeline, we also recommend that services stay online until January 16, 2022. We will reevaluate in the week before January 16.  We also have a meeting in the first week of January to discuss everything in depth and in person.
  • We also feel that small groups should be able to continue, using our common sense to mitigate risk as much as possible.
  • We recognize that isolation has had far reaching mental health implications and harm to our community members. We hope that the ability to meet in small groups will help ease feelings of sadness over the next few weeks.

COVID-19 Update on Reopening for Sunday Services – Dec. 2, 2021

  • Sunday service attendance is capped at 125 and pre-registration remains required: ucv.im/register
  • Choir and congregants can now sing fully masked and vaccinated. Triple layer masks or N95 masks are recommended.
  • Eating and drinking in Hewett Hall is permitted while seated. Groups using the facility must check vaccination passports and use air purifiers; people must be masked while moving around.
  • In-person Sunday Coffee Hour in Hewett Hall is tentatively scheduled to resume Jan. 9, 2022 (more details to come.)

COVID-19 Update on Reopening for Sunday Services – Oct. 7, 2021 

  • Sunday services will reopen Oct. 24 with attendance capped at 100 and pre-registration required.
  • Register here for Sunday services: ucv.im/register
  • Members will be required to wear masks inside the Sanctuary.
  • Those attending indoor services will need to be fully vaccinated and provide one-time proof of vaccination.
  • Check-in procedures with follow COVID screening best practices, and volunteers, greeters and ushers will be trained accordingly.
  • There will be no food and coffee served after Sunday services, and Coffee Hour (aka Social Hour) will take place online only. Hewitt Hall will be open as a space for children and their guardians, as well as for general washroom use.
  • Online services will continue to be provided as usual.

COVID-19 Update – Sept. 1, 2021 

  • Based on the recommendations of our COVID safety team and the concerns of the currently rising Covid-19 case numbers,  the UCV Board has decided not to reopen our sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services yet. We will revisit this decision in a month, and hope to be able to meet again in person for worship in October.  There were many factors influencing this difficult decision, and we know many people will feel both disappointed and also relieved. The Board is motivated by our commitment to equity and to the safety of the most vulnerable members of our congregation and communities.
  • Given the many factors, complexities and evolving scenarios over the past weeks, we want to be sure we are fully prepared to reopen our in-person worship services in a safe and inclusive manner with staff and volunteers trained on the many new safety procedures including checking vaccine passports that will need to be implemented,
  • With our Sanctuary renovations nearing completion, we look forward to being able to meet in-person in the near future with safety precautions in place. In the meantime, we will continue to engage with online services and with as many safe, outdoor gatherings and meetings as possible on our UCV campus.
  • In line with B.C. public health guidelines and the recommendations of our COVID safety team, the Board has affirmed that all small groups, action teams, and outside rental groups wishing to use UCV indoor spaces will need to ensure that attendees are vaccinated and wearing masks.
  • For more information, on the B.C. proof of vaccination requirement, you can visit the government website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof#required

COVID-19 Update – July 1, 2021

As of July 1, our space rental/usage policies have been updated as follows:

  • Masks are respectfully requested while using any indoor space.
  • The Sanctuary will remain closed to the public for renovations taking place over the Summer months.
  • Committees and groups of up to 50 people will be permitted to hold meetings outside while on campus. Groups of up to 10 people will be permitted to hold meetings inside in the Fireside Room, and up to 20 people in the main Hall. Arrangements must be made with the office ahead of time and strict adherence to our COVID protocols is required. If a caretaker is needed in order to provide access, set up A/V equipment, assist with chairs and tables, etc., this expense is expected to be be incurred by the organizing group.
  • The kitchen may be used by a single designated person, but remains off-limits for group use.
  • Contact Marcus in the office for more information regarding policies surrounding external/community-based venue rentals.

COVID-19 Update – June 1, 2021

UCV’s core staff members and COVID team volunteers are currently engaged in an ongoing discussion around BC’s four-step reopening plan, and are working to adjust our own internal policies accordingly and in a way that aligns with our core principles as an inclusive spiritual community (please see the UUA’s ‘Key Principles for Planning‘ for more insight into our decision-making process). We are relieved and excited to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and are looking forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus someday soon!

The following is a summary of our current COVID-19 policies as they relate to venue rentals and/or site visits by members of the congregation (or the public at large). To see an archive of our previous updates, please click here.

  • When visiting the UCV campus for any purpose, masks are to be worn indoors at all times, and social distancing of 6 ft / 2 m is to be strictly maintained.
  • Rentals for memorial services are permitted in the Sanctuary, with a maximum attendance of up to 10 people, providing that the organizers are able to provide a COVID safety plan and contact tracing information (as well as adhere to any other applicable COVID guidelines concerning masks, distancing, etc.).
  • Otherwise, in accordance with Provincial guidelines, we are unfortunately not able to make any of our venues available for social, cultural, or professional purposes at this time.
  • Outdoor meetings on campus are permitted for groups of up to 10 people who are masked and sufficiently distanced. The office must be informed of any intent to host a meeting on campus. Chairs can be provided during office hours, or if there is a caretaker present.

As of June 15, the following changes will take effect:

  • The Sanctuary will be closed to the public in preparation for renovations taking place over the Summer months.
  • Committees and groups of up to 30 people will be permitted to hold meetings outside while on campus. Groups of up to 10 people will be permitted to hold meetings inside, either in the main Hall or Fireside Room. Arrangements must be made with the office ahead of time and strict adherence to our COVID protocols is required. If a caretaker is needed in order to provide access, set up A/V equipment, assist with chairs and tables, etc., this expense is expected to be be incurred by the organizing group.
  • Rentals for memorial services are permitted in the Fireside Room or Hewett Centre, with a maximum attendance of up to 10 people, providing that the organizers are able to provide a COVID safety plan and contact tracing information (as well as adhere to any other applicable COVID guidelines concerning masks, social distancing, etc.).

If you have questions or concerns about specific aspects of this policy, please contact the UCV office. If you have questions about whether or not a certain kind of meeting or event may be permissible under current BC COVID regulations, please refer to the information provided on the government website.

Archive of Past COVID-19 Notices


COVID-19 Update – March 25, 2021

Please be advised that we have reviewed the latest provincial health orders, including the March 23 variance permitting outdoor worship services, and are currently exploring the various options available to us as we determine our best path forward. For the time being, indoor social gatherings are still prohibited on the UCV grounds and worship services will continue to be online (livestreamed) only.

UCV staff work and pre-determined business dealings may still go ahead as planned so long as our COVID protocols are diligently followed (all gatherings that qualify as UCV business must still be booked through the office).

We remain optimistic that we may meet again in person soon, in one form or another, (Once everyone can do so safely) and will update you on any further developments as they unfold. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the church office.

COVID-19 Update – November 19th, 2020

Following the Provincial Health Order of November 19th, 2020 we have made the following changes to our rental policy in effect until December 7, 2020:

  • Social gathering rentals for both Hewett Centre – Main Space and the Sanctuary must be cancelled or postponed until December 7th, 2020, unless updated by Provincial Health
  • Please do not come to the sanctuary on Sunday unless your participation is essential. Contact Marie if you need an easy way to record a reading, announcement or greeting.
  • The UCV grounds are still available for use with those in your immediate household or bubble
  • UCV staff work, and pre-determined business dealings may still go ahead as planned (all gatherings that qualify as UCV business must still be booked through the office)
  • Any questions or concerns about these changes should be directed to Marcus in the office

COVID-19 Update – November 9th, 2020

Following the Provincial Health Order of November 7th, 2020 we have made the following changes to our rental policy in effect for 2 weeks until November 23, 2020:

  • Social gathering rentals for both Hewett Centre – Main Space and the Sanctuary must be cancelled or postponed until after November 23rd
  • The UCV grounds are still available for use, however we ask that folx adhere to the Public Health Order and only gather with those in your immediate household
  • Worship services will continue to be held online and we ask that folks please do not come to the sanctuary unless you are part of the staff or volunteers needed to make the live stream possible.
  • UCV staff work, and pre-determined business dealings may still go ahead as planned (all gatherings that qualify as UCV business must still be booked through the office)
  • Any questions or concerns about these changes should be directed to Marcus in the office

COVID-19 Update – September 1st, 2020

We have released our UCV Fall 2020 Go-Slowly-Forward Plan. Notable changes include:

  • Worship services will continue to be online, live streaming only
  • We have increased rental capacity for Hewett Centre – Main Space from 10 to 15 guests
  • The Sanctuary is now available for rentals with a maximum of 25 guests and 5 staff – choir loft remains Staff Only
  • Masks are now mandatory for all indoor activities
  • All windows and doors MUST remain open during indoor activities

To read the full plan and policy, including booking procedures, please see the full Go-Slowly-Forward-Plan 

Please note: All gatherings must be booked ahead of time through Marcus Hynes by emailing info@vancouverunitarians.ca.

Parking Lot Driveway Closure – August 6, 2020

CLOSURE OF OAK STREET PARKING LOT ENTRANCE. For safety reasons, the Oak Street entrance to the UCV Parking lot will be closed indefinitely, starting August 15th. The Fremlin Street entrance will be the main access to the parking lot.

COVID-19 Update – July 1st, 2020

We have released our UCV Summer 2020 Go-Slowly-Forward Plan which includes partial, pre-scheduled opportunities for onsite meetings during the summer period. Please read the full policy and room booking procedures here.