The Pact for a Green New Deal for Canada was launched in May 6th of this year by a large, non-partisan coalition of more than 60 organizations, unions, associations, faith leaders and the Canadian Unitarian Council along with 50 prominent Canadians. The vision is of rapid, inclusive and far-reaching transition, to slash fossil fuel emissions in half by 2030, protect critical cultural and biological diversity, create millions of new jobs and address the multiple crises we face while respecting the constitutionally enshrined and internationally recognized rights of Indigenous peoples. In less than a month, more than 150 town halls across the country were organized to hear from as many Canadians as possible about what they’d like to see in a Green New Deal for Canada.
Our UCV Enviro team was inspired to host one of the Town Halls in May – join us for an overview of what this Green New Deal is trying to accomplish for Canada and what was heard across the country.
This service is being led by Tara Bonham, Tamiko Suzuki and Elizabeth Dunn. All three are active members of the Environment Team here at UCV. The Environment Team proudly promotes our 7th Unitarian principle: “Respect for the Interdependent Web of all existence of which we are a part.” through education ( forums, public events, Intergenerational Activist Dinners), and participating in environmental actions throughout the region.