UCV on Social Media
Here are the social media platforms where Vancouver Unitarians are active
Please help us get the word out by following, liking, sharing and commenting.
Facebook Page
Google Groups
Click here for a list of google groups. Most are open to anyone who attends UCV.
Some are restricted to members or to members of a certain neighbourhood or committee.
Facebook Groups
The following Facebook groups are available for those attend UCV (and in some cases, any Unitarian or UU).
Members and Friends of Vancouver Unitarians
Unitarian Theatre Goers – UCV members and friends can post when they are going to the theatre and would like to invite others to join them – or give their review of a play or cultural event.
National Groups and Links
You may also be interested in the national organization, Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice.
Canadian Unitarian Council – Love and Justice
You can sign up at the bottom of the homepage or here.
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