On Friday March 15, the UCV Enviro Team is hosting its
Third Intergenerational Activists Gathering
What’s this “Intergenerational thing-a-ma-jig?” you wonder.
We’re glad you asked!
Aside from the somewhat unwieldy name, the “Intergen dinner” (short hand title) first arose in 2017 from a chance encounter that UCV member, Tamiko Suzuki, had with a group of young environmental activists in the community.
The young women were complaining of burnout, feeling isolated and unheard, and were wondering if their efforts were worth it.
Coincidentally, Tamiko had been hearing the same complaints from the UCV Environment Team as veterans of past campaigns such as Clayoquot sound, and the anti-nuclear and anti-war movements wondered who would take up the battle after them.

1st Dinner
Tamiko proposed inviting the young activists to share dinner and stories in Hewett Hall with the Environment Team and the first Intergenerational Activists Gathering was born. Karl Perrin of the Environment Team, and Anjali Appadurai of West Coast Environmental Law, were the key note speakers. The E Team put on the dinner, and guests were given a series of questions to discuss at their table and encouraged to ‘be brave’ and share emails.
2nd Dinner
At the second Intergen dinner in the fall of 2018, the definition of ‘activist’ was broadened to include supporters and anyone who cared deeply about the environment. Millenial speakers from UBC (Andrew Sheroubi, Arman Mottaghi ) and the community (Nada Grocery) were invited who could share their stories of how they were working to solve environmental and social justice issues. UBC Sprouts-Community Eats, which focuses on food sustainability and food security issues, provided the food.
3rd Dinner
The third Intergen dinner, which will happen Friday March 15, will be different again, but promises to be just as fun and interesting! This time, four veterans will be speaking:
- Dr Tara Cullis, president and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation
- Dr David Steele, vice-president of Earthsave Canada
- Quoc Nguyen, organizer Leadnow and director, Humanity Refugee Society
- Lorimer Shenher, acclaimed author and advocate for marginalized people and police reform.
At this evening’s event, to contrast with the previous dinner which was about ‘success stories’, the topic will be: Lessons Learned When Things Went Wrong.
Failure, near failure, or simply when things don’t turn out as expected, can often teach us more than if everything worked out perfectly.
You won’t be sitting quietly and listening to the speakers all evening, however. During dinner, you will have a chance to meet and chat with your table companions, some of whom will hopefully be of a different generation from your usual friends.
After dessert, the keynote speakers will stand up and each give their 10 minute “elevator speech” on the evening’s topic. They will then move to sit at 4 different tables and the audience is invited to circulate among them. It will be a free flowing hour with everyone encouraged to move about, sit with the speaker for a while, ask questions, and share stories.
Once again UBC Sprouts/Community Eats will provide the food. Entry is by donation with proceeds to be shared between Community Eats and the Environment Committee Green Fund to further their projects.
To volunteer or if you have questions, contact: environment@vancouverunitarians.ca
As this event will be very popular, and seating is limited, it is recommended you reserve a seat through EventBrite.
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