Deep Green Change

The looming threats of climate change and biodiversity loss are caused by human behaviour. To modify behaviour, we can use incentives and discouragements. But they won’t stick without deeper change – a profound shift in our sense of ourselves and the world.
As Christ harrowed Hell to free lost souls, as Orpheus dove into Hades to save his Beloved, so we must visit the Underworld to find the Deep Green Change.

In this homily, Dr. George will give precise directions to the entrance to the Underworld. The rest will be up to you.

Music by Patrick Dubois

Order of Service
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Leonard George, Ph.D. is the Chair of the School of Social Sciences and a faculty member of the Psychology Department at Capilano University. He has written books and articles on a range of topics. Leonard has worked as a bookseller, researcher, cook, assembly line worker, clinical psychologist, hotel handyman, writer, grocery store clerk and national broadcaster, and has given lectures and seminars around the world on all sorts of things. He is attracted to anything that is vast, intricate or purrs.


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