Author: Director RE

Adult RE Class Begins December 3rd!

Attention Parents and All Adults:  First Sunday of the Month 9:30 a.m. Adult RE Class Begins December 3rd!

Join Rev. Steven Epperson and DRE Kiersten Moore in Lindsey-Priestley Room at 9:30 am for our first ever First Sunday Adult RE class on bringing Unitarian Faith Formation into our homes to share with our families.  We will meet to discuss how building our faith and practice is something that happens all through the week, and that the best, most effective site for this to happen is in our own home.  We will share ideas, discuss challenges and best practices.  In preparation, I encourage those planning to attend to take a look at the provocative and inspiring study by Kimberly Sweeney that’s making creative waves throughout the North American UU world.

Kiersten and I look forward to meeting with you 9:30-10:30 am in Lindsey-Priestley.  Rev. Steven Epperson

The Death of Sunday School and The Future of Faith Formation by Kim Sweeney

Seeking Innovative SpiritJam Teachers

UCV Job Opportunity

SpiritJam Lead Teacher

Part-time Teacher (4 hours per week); $17.00/hr. plus 20 additional paid flex hours; 10 mos./year; Reports to the Director of Religious Exploration; Start date:September 1, 2017 or as soon after as possible. (more…)

Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation with our Children

As Unitarian Universalists we affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of each person and we recognize that when it comes to the Original People on this land, this principle has not been upheld. A group of Vancouver Unitarians is currently engaged with training as facilitators to guide our children in becoming familiar with the work of reconciliation and how we can go forward upholding our principles.

We will be using the completed guide for Upper Elementary students, and we are honoured to be piloting the guide for our primary students here at UCV this fall. Please contact Kiersten for more information regarding the planned work with our children this fall. Visit the CUC’s Facebook page for more information about the development of this project.

Religious Education Volunteers

Religious Education

The Director of Religious Education sets the overall direction of our Children’s and Youth Religious Education programs along with the support of the Youth Advisors, the Children’s and Youth Religious Education Advisory Group and the Parish Minister, any of whom would be happy to discuss our program in more detail with you. Parents and other interested adults assist the program by volunteering to lead classes, direct pageants, make lunches, fund-raise, maintain and improve spaces and resources and much more. The program is offered free of charge, with costs supported by the pledges and financial support of the entire congregation, with some additional fundraising, and targeted donations.

Director’s Children’s and Youth Religious Education Management Committee

This committee meets regularly to support the administrative and human resources needs of the CYRE programs. This committee, also known as the Director of RE Management Committee (DREMC) serves as the CYRE liaison to the UCV Board of Trustees.

Children’s and Youth Religious Education Advisory Group

This group meets monthly on issues related to the operation of our children’s Sunday school program and our youth group program. These issues include curricula, special event planning, communication with parents and congregation, safety and special needs issues, budget planning, priority/goal setting, fundraising and much more. To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Education at or 604.261.7204.

Our Whole Lives Committee

This committee meets quarterly to discuss the coordination of lifespan offerings and trainings for our Our Whole Lives sexuality education program. OWL is offered for ages Kindergarten-grade 1, grades 4 to 6, grades 7 to 9, grades 10 to 12, young adult (18 to 35) and adult (also begins at 18 – and up).  To get involved, please contact Kiersten Moore, Director of Religious Education at or 604.261.7204.

Adult Religious Education Committee

This committee meets as required to discuss and plan for our twice yearly offerings of religious education programs. Look for brochures coming out in August/September and December/January. Contact the church office to get involved.