Tag: religion

Why People Hate Religion

Using religion as a moral cover for shoddy thinking and bad behaviour is not new to our age; it’s a complaint thousands of years old. So why bring it up now? It may be worth considering why we’re still ‘religious’ and what we’re religious for. Should anyone care? And speaking of which, where are the “millennials” (and others)?

Advent: Science and Religion Sermons

Science and Religion Sermon

Rev. Epperson has preached a sermon on science and its insights that challenge and nourish our religion for the first Sunday in Advent. Always well-researched and thought-provoking, here are some examples.

First Advent Sunday Services 2002-17

2002 Evolution

2003 Birth of the Moon

2004 Life from the Seas

2005 Plate Tectonics

2006 Size of the Universe/Sea of Knowledge

2007 Cell: Smallest Living Thing

2008 The Astonishing Atom

2009 Photosynthesis

2010 The Feeling Brain

2011 Teenage Brain

2012 View from the Center of the Universe

2013 The Advent of Us: How We Became Human

2014 On Human Consciousness and Goodness

2015 A Dangerous “Advent?”

2016 The Important Stuff is Invisible

2017 The Invention of Air