Tag: form

Your Feedback Wanted on CUC Proposed Resolutions


The Denominational Affairs committee invites all members’ feedback on the proposed CUC Resolutions scheduled to be voted on May 19, 2023.

Survey re: CUC Resolutions: https://forms.gle/2J3yUaban3ewsKxG7

shortlink: tinyurl.com/ucvdac

We are gathering questions and comments in various ways (forum now on youtube/ cafe style discussions on Sunday March 5) and now invite all members to indicate their level of support, comments, questions about the resolutions.

We are asking for feedback so that we can compile a report for our board and send to the CUC for consideration. The Board thanked the Denominational Affairs committee for collecting nd requested the committee to submit updated information by the new deadline of April 1, 2023.  35 people have submitted so far.

The form requires your name and email address and to verify you are a member. A compilation of the ranking scales and all comments will be submitted anonymously, exactly as you write them.  After submission, the compilation will be shared with the congregation.  We do encourage you to discuss your comments with others. The survey is set up so that if you choose to go back and add or change before March 31 you are able to do so.

You may be knowledgeable about all the resolutions, or there may be only one you wish to comment on. You can answer as many or as few of the questions as you wish. The narrative questions are the questions CUC has asked for.

To see a comparison of the 2022 and 2023 Goals and Strategic Priorities click below

Questions on the survey can be directed to Mary Bennett unitarianmary@gmail.com

Your Denominational Affairs Committee is:

Keith Wilkinson, Chair keithwilkinsonconsulting@gmail.com

Leslie Kemp, Vice-Chair

Lynn Armstrong

Mary Bennett

Karin Hall

Ingrid Luters


Ex Officio

Rev. Lara Cowtan

President Mairy Beam



Kiersten Moore, Staff, and CUC Board Member

Olivia Hall, Staff


Mary Bennett is receiving and compiling the surveys. If you have questions or comments you can send her an email to unitarianmary@gmail.com


UCV Survey for Feedback


CUC Proposed Resolutions (may be revised after feedback)


Document comparing 2022 and 2023 Goals and Strategic Priorities


Vancouver Unitarians Call for CUC Delegates


UCV Forum by Denominational Affairs Committee on CUC Resolutions 2023


2022 Forum by Denominational Affairs Committee on Role of CUC Delegates


Forum on UUA’s Draft Article II