Tag: ecochallnge

Join the People’s EcoChallenge Oct 5—26, 2022

👫🌎 welcome

The People’s Ecochallenge is a 21-day challenge to take action for a better shared future. From October 5 – October 26, you commit to trying and doing new things. Fun actions encourage new habits. Small steps lead to big change. Together, we build a sustainable world and a healthy planet.

The People’s Ecochallenge gamifies behaviour change and makes your impacts measurable! Think about and act on proven soutions through 100+ actions across nine categories.

Ecochallenge is free to join and everyone is welcome. Join our BC Unitarians team.

Go to vancouverunitarians.ca/zero-waste for more posts and upcoming events


Join the People’s EcoChallenge October 6 – 27

👫🌎 welcome

The People’s Ecochallenge is a 21-day challenge to take action for a better shared future. From October 6 – October 27, 2021, you commit to trying and doing new things. Fun actions encourage new habits. Small steps lead to big change. Together, we build a sustainable world and a healthy planet.

The People’s Ecochallenge gamifies behavior change and makes your impacts measurable! Think about and act on proven soutions through 100+ actions across nine categories.

Ecochallenge is free to join and everyone is welcome. Join an existing team, create a new one, or join the global Community team. Join us! We’re excited you’re here.

from Mary Bennett

Teresa Morton formerly of UCV and for a long time at Beacon Unitarian, created a team just at Beacon last year and this year she invites any Metro Van Unitarian to join.

I (Mary) just joined and looked around the site. It’s pretty easy to pick off some “I already do this” and make yourself feel good…  It even allows you to create your own goal.
Here’s the link if you’d like to join. I get points if you join.
Our team is MetroVan Unitarians
Password is  2021Unis! (yes include the exclamation mark!)