Tag: circle dance

Circle Dance

Before covid, UCV hosted 3 sometimes more circle dance gatherings every month.

Since then we’ve shared two or three at the start of Earth Spirit rituals and a couple of us have met informally and now we’d like to start offering at least one 2-hour circle dance session each month.

You may find Mary’s blog http://sacredcircledance.wordpress.com of value, especially if you’re new to circle dancing.


All we are saying… is give dance a chance

Come Dance with Brigitte Evering on Friday, September 15, 2017 

(click above to register – it would be very much appreciated)

I will tell you a story about Brigitte that illustrates her strong, long-standing commitment to dance.  Some time ago, she decided they needed to sell their house because there wasn’t enough room to dance there.  She and her partner, Geoffrey Honey, often hosted dances, and more frequently they danced themselves.  Sometimes they danced so they could fully integrate new dances learned at a workshop.  Sometimes they danced to figure out a new choreography they were working on.  Always they danced for the joy of it.  Often their two children joined in as well.

Geoffrey and the children didn’t want to sell the house which was close to the shores of Lake Ontario.  They loved it there.  As a family they always practised making decisions by consensus so many discussions ensued.  Finally they came up with a solution. They would remove all of their furniture from the living room, dedicating it solely to dance.

I think this story shows more about Brigitte’s dedication to dance than listing all of the workshops, dance camps, and dance events she had attended, or led over the years. She is a lovely dancer, full of fire and grace, and attuned to the needs of those present.

Come join us on September 15 to see for yourself.  In the afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. there will be more challenging, lively dances taught.  A pot luck dinner will take place from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by an evening of dances, featuring some of the dances Brigitte has choreographed.

Email me at mairyelesbea@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Hope to see you there.


Circle Dancers Wanted

Sacred Circle Dancing

Mary Bennett and Mairy Beam are sharing a worship service on the morning of August 20th.

We will talk about our experience on sacred circle dance as spiritual path.

Throughout the service (and the prelude) songs from Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey will be played, sung and danced.

Can you join us? It would involve being at the church by 10:30 am on August 20th and being part of a rehearsal in advance. When we know who’s in, we’ll find a time and date that will work for all of us.

Nicola Hamilton will be the soloist leading the songs. Eric Wyness will be the pianist.

Contact Mary if you can be part of what we hope will be an inspiring and joyful worship service.

These are the songs we plan to sing and dance:

  • Come, Come, Whoever You Are
  • Let It Be a Dance
  • Find a Stillness
  • We Are
  • Blue Boat Home
  • Come Sing a Song With Me

Upcoming Circle Dance Gatherings at the Unitarian Church.