Archives: Episode

Reconciliation is a Massive Failure

The federal government’s commitment to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a potential watershed moment. Dr. Bruce McIvor, lawyer and historian, explores why Canada’s commitment to reconciliation has so far fallen short of the mark and what needs to be done to make it a reality.

You Might Be Wrong

We go through life from our own point of view, all of the time.
“Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.”  – James Baldwin

This is What We Do

Renewing our commitment to the Unitarian Principles which call us to act for justice, equity, and environmental sustainability. Let us reaffirm together that the work of our faith is not just renewing our commitment to awareness, but renewing our commitment to being engaged in current issues and current debates.

Gratitude & Creating Well-Being

“A few years ago, I discovered that environmental activism can be taxing, but practicing gratitude keeps my spirits up. When I began to study gratitude I found that solid research supported a daily practice of gratitude for health and happiness. So I wanted to understand it better, for myself, and for you. In our pursuit of living better with less stuff, we can find many ways to intentionally feel well. Voluntary simplicity, generosity, community can all result from gratitude practice, which takes very little time and effort. What’s not to like?” – Karl Perrin

A Matter of Perspective

The late eco-feminist theologian, Sally McFague, often told her students to be careful how you see the world, for it is that way. explores how our perspective informs and shapes our worldview, and why it’s important to be aware of how it does that. Rev. Oakley currently serves as the Minister for the South Fraser Unitarian Congregation.

Being Perfectly Imperfect – what do we expect of ourselves and each other?

In this topsy turvy time, we may be experiencing stress which can strain our relationships. What do we expect of ourselves and each other? How can we embrace being perfectly imperfect and accept that in others? The ancient Greeks developed the concept of perfection, but it is often misunderstood. In this episode Rev. Meg Roberts shows us some techniques that engage our senses of humour and humility.

Reverend Meg Roberts is the minister half-time with the Beacon Unitarian Church, plus consulting minister part-time with the Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship. She also does a community ministry using interactive theatre with groups to explore underlying causes of challenging issues. She has served Unitarian congregations in Edmonton, Montreal, West Vancouver, and Nanaimo, as well as a 6-year settled ministry in Calgary.

An Atheist Prayer

Humanity is hurtling toward a multifaceted apocalypse, which we as individuals may feel powerless to stop. If ever there was a time to pray, it is now. Yes, even atheists.

Ryan Guenther started attending the First Unitarian Church of Victoria at age 10, and he’s sung in the choir, edited the newsletter, managed the website, and is currently serving as a Sunday Service Associate and on the Board at North Shore Unitarian Church in Vancouver.  He is an award-winning comedian and has appeared in the Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Festival and Comedy Waste Festival. He has toured a five-star show to fringe festivals across North America and was runner-up for Best Comedy at the Victoria Fringe.

The Language of Memory

Library catalogues. Museum and gallery indexes. Search engines. Any song, story, or research we could want is out there! But without indexing, it is lost in the flood.

Who decides how we describe them, though? What are the questions we ask and answer, anticipating a future audience?

Lifelong Unitarian (and recent Library and Information Technology student) Juliet Andrien goes on a semi-whimsical ramble about the slipperiness of language, the durability of storytelling, and the process of describing our cultural artifacts to machines so they can help us find them again later.