Author: Youth Coordinator

June Update from the Ministerial Transition Team

The Ministerial Transition Team wishes everyone in our congregation a blissful summer! There’ll be plenty going on around UCV, from kids’ Magic Camp to the IPA movie night coming up. As per usual, most of the congregation’s governance and business-y work will pause for July and August, including the MTT. We’re coming to the break on a high, with the Decision Making Task Force and the Congregational Identity Team both issuing their reports – see more on those below.

A small programming note: in April I reached out to see if anyone was chomping at the bit to facilitate some visioning circles. These visioning circles have been put on hold for now, as they’re not the most pressing need at this stage. Perhaps the next minister will want to engage in something along those lines, but for now our CIT report shows them a clear and fascinating picture of what’s important at UCV. 

The CIT report is the result of well over a year’s hard work. Most members will remember that last year many of us took part in Congregational Identity workshops, where we interviewed each other and dived deep into what this place means to us. The notes from those workshops are the basis for a report that explores who and why we are as a congregation. It will be a wonderful document to reflect on, for our incoming minister and for us. 

The DMTF report is also now available. The DMTF formed in light of the disagreements over the most recent redevelopment project. Their goal was to understand how we currently make big decisions, and how we could do that better. Both these reports should be available online or in print soon, and will definitely have a spot on the EGM agenda, so watch out for them.

To refresh our memories, here’s the five main tasks of a congregation during a ministerial transition.

  1. Claiming and honoring its past and healing its griefs and conflicts.
  2. Illuminating the congregation’s unique identity, its strengths, its needs, and its challenges.
  3. Clarifying the multiple dimensions of leadership, both ordained and lay, and navigating the shifts in leadership that accompany times of transition.
  4. Renewing connections with available resources within and beyond the UUA (and CUC for us).
  5. Enabling the congregation to renew its vision, strengthen its stewardship, prepare for new professional leadership, and engage its future with anticipation and zest.

From the Janus Workbook.  

Having worked at this for two years, we’ve engaged with each of these tasks. In September, we’re refocusing on two that hold significance for UCV, tasks three and five. Clarifying our new organizational model, our leadership structures and potential will be a priority. We want all UCV members to feel comfortable with how we can work together as a congregation, and with where their favourite part of UCV fits into the whole. And as for griefs and conflicts, well, like any century old organization, we don’t not have any of that floating around – as history and as present. Turning our eyes on them again, we can learn and grow together. 

It’ll be a great year, but before it comes, it’ll be a great summer! Do you have any questions? Comments? Enthusiasms? Let me know! Email with your thoughts. 


Esmé’s Credo Comic

Hi everyone!

As part of the Coming of Age program at UCV, our bridging youth have crafted credos to share with the congregation. Their credo is a statement about their beliefs about the world right now.

Esmé decided to share her credo in the form of a comic. She’ll talk about it in the service tomorrow, and we’re posting it here for you to peruse in full. There’s a link at the bottom of this post that will allow you to download the pdf if you wish.

This is my credo comic that I was talking about at Sunday’s service! I’m really, really excited for you to read it!

The 1st Principle inspired it, but now I see all of the principles all over it.
Enjoy! And hug a snail!

— Esmé



Esmé credo final