Author: kbartlet

Welcome to Wilderness

<< Northwest Wilderness Brochure >>

“Leave it wild” was the motto in 1966 when Unitarians purchased land on a river delta on the eastern shores of Kootenay Lake, BC, for family camping.

click here for the July 2019 newsletter

click here for the March 2019 Newsletter

Wilderness is open from July 1st to August 31st. There are no permanent structures, but lots of driftwood for creating temporary shelters for your campsite. There are both pit and composting toilets (built by volunteers!). There are communication devices for emergency.

The Northwest Wilderness Society is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the property as wilderness, and a retreat for its members. We welcome Unitarians and others who seek a wilderness camp, embrace diversity and hold the earth in high regard.

Phone: (604) 612-2643 or (604) 873-0770 (Canada) 425-867-1781 (USA)





For other Unitarian Camps

Recognition of new members

Sunday April 14, 2019 we will welcome our newest members into the congregation during the Sunday service.  We are so glad to be on the road together as part of the Unitarian family!  Congratulations and warmest welcome.

Interested in becoming a member?

New to UCV “Signing Breakfast”

  • On Sunday, March 31, 2019, we will be hosting breakfast at 9:30 am in the Fireside Room. We’ll be finished in plenty of time for everyone to get to the service after.
  • This opportunity to sign the membership book is designed for those who have attended the “New to UCV Workshop”. UCV Leaders and committee representatives will describe some of the many activities and ways to get involved at UCV.
  • For those wanting to sign the membership book, Rev. Steven Epperson will witness your signature.
  • For additional information, contact Dianne Crosbie at or contact the office at 604 261-7204.

Our by-laws allow members who have joined 3 months prior to a general meeting to vote. Joining in March means you will be eligible to vote at our budget meeting in June.

While attendance at the New to UCV workshop is highly encouraged, we recognize people’s schedules sometimes do not allow it. According to our by-laws members can join at any time by having the minister or a board member sign them into the register of members.

Interested In Becoming a Member of UCV?

March 31, 2019 we’re hosting breakfast at 9:30 am in the Fireside room. If you are ready to sign the membership book, this is for YOU!

Meet the leaders of groups and find out about activities and opportunities to get involved.

Email: Dianne Crosbie or contact the office 604-261-7204 for more information.

If you were not able to attend the workshop, but feel ready to make the commitment of joining UCV, please do register and we’ll make sure you get orientated in some other way through our Connect and Engage team.

Our by-laws allow members who have joined 3 months prior to a general meeting to vote. Joining in March means you will be eligible to vote at our budget meeting in June.

While attendance at the New to UCV workshop is highly encouraged, we recognize people’s schedules sometimes do not allow it. According to our by-laws members can join at any time by having the minister or a board member sign them into the register of members.