Zero Waste

← Back to the Enviro Page Zero Waste Team Notebook Featured Stories Zero Waste Team Permaculture X Stitch & B… To produce many of the goods we use, companies are … destroying forests and polluting our oceans. The amount of waste we create is mind-boggling — Kirsten Brodde, Detox My Fashion About About | Plastic | Fashion | Food | Simple Swaps We’re a group of a dozen or so Unitarians and friends who like to share our enthusiasm for reducing waste. In 2020 we met with our Congregational Administrator to discuss how to reduce waste on site, including composting paper towels from washrooms, ensuring kitchen food waste go into our round black bins to have the red wriggler worms turn it into compost for the gardens, and asking caretakers to be aware of recycling systems. In the new year, now that the site is active again, we might plan another meeting. The Metro … Continue reading Zero Waste