UCV’s Fourth Compassion Circle 2020

Do you want to communicate with more compassion and connection? Join UCV’s Fourth Compassion Circle (practicing Compassionate Communication, CC) using the Compassion Course Online 2020 by Thom Bond, (receiving 52 weekly emails covering CC concepts we then practice in the Circle). Registration is required to the online course by May 31, 2020; https://www.compassioncourse.org/ The 2020 Circle’s 1st session will be an introduction by Zoom in June, date TBA. Please contact Cindy Cashin to sign up or for more info.


What Participants In Last Year’s UCV Compassion Circle Have Said:

“UCV’s Compassion Circle was born in 2017 in response to enthusiasm of several UCVers taking the online course. Lynn Armstrong coordinated the Circle’s creation and came up with the name. The Compassion Circle is an intimate space for learning together, shifting how we listen and respond to others, and how we communicate with ourselves. It’s a special gathering! “


“The Compassion Course and Nonviolent Communication has had a profound impact on me. It is so subtle, yet such a powerful paradigm shift that it changes everything. It has taught me to look deeper in all those difficult communication situations to find the gold that transforms “us and them”  to “we”,  and in so doing it brings such powerful lessons of love and peace.”


“I could never have imagined this online course and the practice sessions provided at UCV could have had such a profound impact on my worldview.  It has brought me clarity and a greater understanding of my (and others’) needs.  I’m signing up again and look forward to another year of self-discovery.”


“This year has been my introduction to the concepts & practice of compassionate communication. Already I have seen a positive difference in the way I interpret & respond to events & people. I’m signing up again for next year, so that I can go deeper.”


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