It’s still not too late! UU Opportunities for Deeper Involvement
This is an April update of information originally posted in February 2021.
(Image credit: UUA United Nations Office – UUA UNO)
- A Blog posting from Jan 2021 by Bruce Knotts, Director of the UUA United Nations Office
- Bruce will be one of the leaders of the UCV Sunday Service on 2 May 2021.
- UK Annual General Assembly was on 24 Apr 2021. Some sessions may be online.
- UK General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
- See some of the People from the UK GA
- CUC’s National Conference
Friday, May 14 – Sunday, May 16Register now to be part of our national community and connections! The Confluence Lecture, Lighter Side musc & comedy night, Memorial Wall, Bridging Ceremony, workshops and networking sessions, Sunday service, and MUSIC!All information at - CUC AGM – Sat morning, 8 May 2021 >>> Details of Meeting
UCV’s seven voting delegates for the 2021 CUC AGM are:
Lynn Armstrong, Diane Brown, Galen Elfert, Hans Elfert, Olivia Hall, Geoff Rempel, Keith Wilkinson. (KIersten Moore is on the CUC Board and will be participating but not as a UCV delegate. Lynn Armstrong is a member of the CUC Nominating Committee.)
The meeting will be held via Zoom, 10 am – 1:30 pm, Pacific Time, Saturday 8 May 2021. Any UCV member may attend to observe, but not vote.
AGENDA includes:
- Proposed adjustments to the method of calculating the Annual Program Contribution based on membership numbers and donations
- Setting CUC’s 2021-22 Goals, namely:
- Strengthen and nurture community resilience so our Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities are connected to each other, and thrive spiritually, theologically, organizationally, economically, and socially in a diverse, multi-generational context;
- Enhance religious exploration and spiritual growth grounded in the vision, principles, sources, and aspirations of the Canadian Unitarian Universalist (UU) movement;
- Advance socially responsible actions to live out our vision of interdependence, love, and justice to bring benefit to Canadian and global communities;
- Strengthen local, regional, national, and global networks of collaborative and interdependent UU conSetting CUC’s 2021-22 Proposed Strategic Initiatives, namely:
Within the above goals, the following strategic priorities are recommended for 2021-2022
- Ensure sound financial management, including sustainable revenue generation, to continue the work of building vital Unitarian communities;
- Strengthen the national fabric of our UU community by:
- Nurturing and enhancing innovation and sustainability;
- Enhancing and optimizing connections and relationships among UU communities in intentionally inclusive ways; and,
- Ensuring that the CUC and its congregations and communities are well positioned to welcome and embrace those who seek Unitarian Universalism.
- Advance these social justice initiatives:- Truth, Healing and Reconciliation
– Dismantling racism
– Climate justice
– Refugee support - Develop, curate and focus on Canadian resources to advance religious exploration and spiritual growth in a multigenerational context.
You’ll also have the opportunity to see and hear oral and video reports from the CUC about what has been happening across Canada in UU circles over the past year.
Delegates will be expected to attend an online orientation session on how to vote using zoom.
(Photo Credit: Keith Wilkinson, Mustangs along the Fraser River near Lytton from a UCV field trip with Cole Harris.)
A Few Books on climate, indigenous, racial, and social justice
James Daschuk, 2019 (2rd Edition), Clearing the plains: Disease, politics of starvation, and the loss of aboriginal life.
Melinda Gates, 2020, The moment of lift.
Kazuo Ishiguro, 2021. Klara and the sun.
Elizabeth Kolbert, 2021, Under a white sky: The nature of the future.
Wendy Wickwire, 2019, At the bridge: James Teit and an anthropology of belonging.
Isabel Wilkerson, 2010, The warmth of other suns: The epic story of America’s great migration.
Shoshanna Zuboff, 2019. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.
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