Ponder the Change of Season – We wandered from table to table and considered the return of the light
As part of our Imbolc celebration, participants pondered questions related to the four directions/elements. Volunteers set up altars with objects – including food – that correspond to their direction/element.
Marie set up North including plant, rock, salt and salted dark chocolate bar.
The North brings solid land.
- How is your body changing from winter to spring?
- How are you connecting to the Earth now?
- Are you preparing to plant?
Cindy set up the West/Water table.
The West brings flowing and raining
- Are you dancing in the rain?
- Or feel it’s raining on your parade?
- Where would you like more flow?
Mairy did the South Altar.
The South brings light and warmth
- What is heating up for you?
- Is anything in your life “going south”?
- Do you want to turn up the heat?
Gabby had popcorn for us in the East/Air.
The East brings Fresh Spring Breezes
- Can you feel them yet?
- What are they stirring up?
- What is the scent and feeling on your skin?
Mary set up the central altar with snowdrops that will now be planted in the garden path labyrinth.
We also danced three circle dances (some danced; some drummed)
Vigil: keep warm through the cold night, as the spring will come again
Birghitta: welcoming the Goddess Brigid
Bells of Norwich – All shall be well again, I know. Love like the yellow daffodil…
Everyone got a snowdrop to take home and plant.
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