Close Enough to Tell

photo by nina strehl from unsplash

When Bryan Stevenson spoke to UUs at General Assembly in 2017, he offered Four Steps to Change the World, the first of which was to get proximate – to marginalized people, to folks different from ourselves, to challenging situations. In this month, when the congregation’s theme is Courage, we’ll use stories from UU history, from Our Whole Lives, and other parts of life to explore what it means to get proximate, how to handle the discomfort we sometimes find beyond our familiar, and the ways in which this teaching is expressed in numerous faiths.

Rev. Christopher Wulff is a fifth generation Canadian Unitarian, who most recently served as Minister of the Westside UU Congregation in West Seattle. In his varied life he’s worked as a park ranger, a graphic designer and programmer, a counselor for refugees and an advocate for people living in poverty, a professor of journalistic ethics, and cook at a Unitarian Universalist retreat centre. His lovely wife Ariel also grew up UU, in this very church, and worked for the CUC for many years, and they have two young kiddos who are more interested in the snack table after church than in the service, but who are quickly picking up the hymns sung around the dinner table. Christopher is currently starting work with Vancouver Coastal Health in spiritual care and organizing with folks to launch a new network of UU communities modeled after house churches and revivals.

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