The Wicked Problem of ‘What’s for Dinner?’

Dr. Bomford will explore some of the far-reaching social and environmental impacts of our daily food choices and their relevance to the seven Unitarian principles.

Decisions about what we should eat can become a problem when we have competing influences and incomplete, often contradictory, information. Such problems can be called “wicked”, meaning that they are shifting, multi-faceted, and resist solution.

Some choices may be better or worse than others but they are not definitively right or wrong.

XKCD cartoon referenced in this sermon.

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Survey on Food Policy    

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USC Canada Food Policy

(More about Michael Bomford)

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Mike is a UCV member, a father of three children, ages 3-11, and a faculty member in Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Department of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems. He loves to grow, cook, and eat food.

