What a Questioning Theist Learned from Atheism

I will share some of my reflections about how my life journey has taken me from growing up a liberal Christian to someone who believed in Spirit, to then doubt to the point of atheism, and now land where I am today.

Whatever sources of inspiration you draw from, I hope my story invites you to reflect on your journey.

Pianist: Eric Wyness

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Order of Service:
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Topics: ,

Rev. Meg Roberts will be starting her seventh year as quarter-time consulting minister with the Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship. She lives here in Vancouver, is a member of this congregation, and also does a community ministry using the arts in spiritual exploration. As part of that work last winter, she was in the BC and Alberta tour of Theatre for Living's forum play šxʷʔamət (home) which explored what true and honourable reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians looks like.

