Mini Adult OWL Workshop

Delicious. Intriguing. Satisfying.

This is Better than Chocolate!

(And it’s only for Adults.)

When was the last time you had a thoughtful and fun conversation about sexuality? Remember your high school sex education? Ugh! Society is highly sexualized today and yet people don’t REALLY understand sexuality and this robs them of deeper fulfillment. Our UU values, through the Our Whole Lives program (OWL), give us a unique opportunity to take a holistic look at sexuality so that we can enhance self-knowledge, clarify our values and understand our boundaries. This workshop also helps participants:

  • guide their kids/grandkids towards healthy sexual relationships,
  • increase physical and mental well-being as you age, and
  • have greater confidence to positively impact societal issues in this area.

No, you won’t have to talk about your sex life, nor hear about mine! Join a safe, non-judgmental group for exploration where you will learn as much from the other participants as you will from the facilitators.

Introductory session: Friday February 2, 2018 7:00 to 9:30 PM.

One day Mini Adult OWL Workshop: Saturday February 17, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Facilitators: Margaret Smith & Rev Samaya Oakley

Sign up: contact Margaret Smith 1-306-220-9668 by January 28th.




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